IRS Tax Relief
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If you have to file an amended tax return, chances are good that the tax professional you hired made a mistake. Hiring an experienced and reputable tax...
What do you think of when you hear MC Hammer? Rapper? Dancer? Parachute Pants Wearer? In his hey day (late 80’s to early 90’s), he was seen...
Tom Hanks lives in Los Angeles but has a more-than-humble abode in New York. For tax purposes, Hanks is only allowed to spend a limited number of days...
An Employment Identification Number is only assigned one time. Whether it is used to file a company’s taxes or not, it will never be reassigned...
“Nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Anyone who has ever been on the Internal Revenue Service’s bad side can attest to the truth...
If a taxpayer has an installment agreement with the IRS, the IRS expects monthly, on-time payments throughout the duration of the agreement until the...
If a taxpayer has an installment agreement with the IRS, the IRS expects monthly, on-time payments throughout the duration of the agreement until the...
The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 essentially allows taxpayers to exclude income from discharging debt on their principal residence. You’ll want...
The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 essentially allows taxpayers to exclude income from discharging debt on their principal residence. You’ll want to...
If you owe taxes and don’t pay them by the deadline, you will be assessed a penalty based on the amount of tax owed and interest will accrue. While...
If you owe taxes and don’t pay them by the deadline, you will be assessed a penalty based on the amount of tax owed and interest will accrue. While there...
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