I write about things and you read them
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Originally posted on Black Millennials: Wake up. If you’re white and are surprised that the Dept. of Justice found racism in the Ferguson Police Department...
I remember being a kid and thinking that the perfect love story was something as close as possible to Zach and Kelly from Saved by the Bell. I know...
Originally posted on Black Millennial Musings: Following the death of Trayvon Martin, three self-identified Black queer women created #BlackLivesMatter...
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people...
I think we can be honest with each other. There seems to be an irrational fear for people of color. America has an ongoing fascination of what they consider...
Hello again friends, as many of you know I released my second book “Confessions of a Sucker For Love” on August 26th, I am quite sure that I have hit...
Minnesota Vikings Star Running Back, Adrian Peterson was recently accused and indicted “with criminal negligence or recklessly” under the guise of discipline...
Chris is on his third interview of the day the first two places offered him jobs as a Canvasser working in the volume section, which is code for Black...
Originally posted on A Little More Sauce: The phrase “white privilege” is one that rubs a lot of white people the wrong way. It can trigger something...
Originally posted on I write about things and you read them : ? Hey guys, if you like my post please be sure to purchase my latest book titled: Confessions...
Originally posted on don of all trades: I followed a trail of blood up the concrete steps as Deja vu overtook my thoughts. I’d been here before, just...
Unfortunately I write about things and you read them has no news yet.
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[...] , if you like my post please be sure to purchase my latest book titled: Confessions of a Sucker For Love! Available on amazon- $12 Nook-$4 Kindle-$4 I Book- $4 ePub-$3 Or you can pre order a [...]
[...] if you like my post please be sure to purchase my latest book titled: Confessions of a Sucker For Love! Amazon -$12 Kindle-$4 Tablet-$4 ? After being rejected by yet another girl Eric [...]
[...] Hello again friends, as many of you know I released my second book “Confessions of a Sucker For Love” on August 26th, I am quite sure that I have hit up most of you to make a purchase, and if I [...]
[...] one thing that I know for sure, and that you will know in a word or two is this: I am in the “Friend Zone”. I tried to lie to myself and say that I could change the outcome, but I […] [...]
[...] The friend zone can be broken down into three distinct categories. 1. Mixed messages- The best way to explain [...]
[...] Sallie Mae is a filthy whore! No, I’m not even kidding she’s a whore and she’s ruining my life. I need to [...]
[...] Have you ever heard of Cliven Bundy? Bundy is a Nevada Cattle Rancher who had a 20 year Stand off with the U.S. Government over [...]
[...] -$3 Or you can pre order a copy with me for $10 zollas After being rejected by yet another girl Eric decide finds […] [...]
[...] a Sucker For Love! Amazon -$12 Kindle-$4 Tablet-$4 ? After being rejected by yet another girl Eric decide finds himself in an all too familiar position.… [...]
[...] Minnesota Vikings Star Running Back, Adrian Peterson was recently accused and indicted “with criminal negligence or recklessly” under the guise [...]
Chris is on his third interview of the day the first two places offered him jobs as a Canvasser working in the volume section, which is code for Black [...]
In its early inception hip hop started off as a way to keep the party pumping which gave way to a forum for bragging and bravado. Eventually it evolve [...]
[...] , if you like my post please be sure to purchase my latest book titled: Confessions of a Sucker For Love! Available on amazon- $12 Nook-$4 Kindle-$4 I Book- $4 ePub-$3 Or you can pre order a [...]
[...] if you like my post please be sure to purchase my latest book titled: Confessions of a Sucker For Love! Amazon -$12 Kindle-$4 Tablet-$4 ? After being rejected by yet another girl Eric [...]
[...] Hello again friends, as many of you know I released my second book “Confessions of a Sucker For Love” on August 26th, I am quite sure that I have hit up most of you to make a purchase, and if I [...]
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Great and Unsearchable Things
Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.