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The milkman's cow was in a bad mood. It sat in the middle of the road and refused to move. The milkman begged the cow to get up. “The children...
It was the summer of 1880. A healthy baby girl was born in a small town In Alabama. Her parents loved her dearly and named her Helen Keller. But...
I met a man in an onion bed. He was crying so hard his eyes were red. And the tears rolled off the end of his nose As he ate his way down the onion rows...
One day, Alice was lying under a tree listening to her sister reading a story. Suddenly, she saw a white rabbit scamper by. He had pink eyes and was...
I know a curious little boy. Who is always asking "Why?" Why this, why that, why then, why now? Why not, why by-the-by? He wants to know why wood should...
One day. Nasruddin was chatting with his friends. He began to boast. "No one can match my skill in archery. I string the bow, aim, and shoot arrow......
AWAY from the city And into the sun. Out to the country, Run! Run! Run! Run in the raindrops! Run ‘Neath the trees! Run little races With each...
I looked in the mirror and looked at my nose: it's the funniest thing, the way it grows stuck right out where all of it shows with two little holes where...
Shetty the magician was returning home, when all of a sudden it began to rain. It rained heavily. Shetty looked around for shelter and saw a pretty...
Narrator: Ring! Ring! Ring! Off goes the alarm clock at six in the morning. Neha makes a face and covering her ears with a pillow, snuggles under the...
Wake up! Wake up! It's a lovely day. Oh! Please get up And come and play. The birds are singing in the trees, And you can hear the buzzing bees Wake...
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Improve your spoken English. Learn English.
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The aim of this blog was to offer my students a new tool to learn English while enjoying their favorite activity, the In...
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