Infant Jesus of Prague .net
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The original prayer of St. Cyril to Infant of Prague.
A devotion to start your day with.
This novena can be said for nine consecutive days or hours. This novena can be said for nine consecutive days or hours. --- O Jesus, Who said, "Ask...
The original prayer of St. Cyril to Infant of Prague. Jesus, unto Thee I flee, Through Thy mother praying Thee in my need to succor me. Truly, I believe...
How to improve your Infant of Prague status by making custom vestments. Most people buy a statue of an Infant of Prague because this is the easiest way...
A statue of the infant Jesus on display near Miami in Florida is being fitted with a Global Positioning System device after the original figurine was...
History of the Infant of Prague from the Patron Saint Index.History of the Infant of Prague from the Patron Saint Index.
O Child Jesus, I have recourse to You thru Your Holy Mother; I implore You to assist me in this necessity, for I firmly believe that Your Divinity can...
A prayer of healing from the Chapel of Prayer.Little Infant Jesus of Good Health, God of Love born to suffer for me! In You above all do I find the courage...
O Divine Child of Prague, and still the great omnipotent God. I implore through Thy Most Holy Mother's most powerful intercession.O Divine Child of Prague...
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