Insane Mamacita's Musings
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I have not written in more than a week and that is because I have been so exhausted from my new reality. A job! Work! I have been at the office for...
This past weekend we were invited to my aunt and uncle's 40th wedding anniversary. My dad's other brother and sister along with their spouses came in...
Today I was outside... in the real world. OK, maybe that sounded a wee bit over dramatic. Especially since I go out in the real world all the time....
I have been interacting with Jennifer from BeautyGram for a while now on Twitter. A couple of months ago I was chatting away on Twitter (late at night...
Image Source Below I have never been a big dreamer. No, wait. Let me rephrase that. I have never been a big dreamer in terms of what I have wanted...
Did I tell you all my brother is getting married? I believe I did here. Anyway, the wedding is this coming Sunday in the Toronto area. And I leave tomorrow...
Bullet your entire day. Today was a pretty busy day for us. On a usual day, we just stay close to home. - Woke up around 7:30am. - Got the boys and...
On to Day 5 of my blog challenge. Do you believe in an afterlife? Explain. Image Source Yes, I do believe in an afterlife. I believe there has to...
What is your zodiac sign? Does it fit your personality? My birthday is May 19. That makes me a Taurus under the signs of the Zodiac. Some positive words...
It's Day 3 of my 30 Day Blog Challenge! What is inside your purse? There it is, in all it's glory. The contents of my purse. I absolutely love my purse...
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[...] I cannot believe that 2012 is almost over and thus, Project Happy will also be coming to a close. I am not sure what I will write instead of Project Happy. I do [...]
[...] a Passion I believe I have found one of my passions - writing this blog. By participating in Project Happy these past few months and now by reading The Happiness Project, I think I have a good idea of [...]
[...] I have not posted a Project Happy in two weeks. I feel bad because it's one of my favourite posts to write. The weather has been [...]
[...] I keep posting my Project Happy later in the week than expected. Hopefully I will get back on track in a couple of weeks when [...]
[...] Another week, another random fact about myself. I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am! Today's random fact: I dropped out [...]
[...] This week's Random Fact Friday is courtesy of my blogger friend Sarah! And please share a random fact about yourself below in the comment section. Happy Friday! Sarah's random fact: I pooped my [...]
[...] Are you up for another Random Fact Friday post? Today's random fact: I am the real cookie monster. My Grandma H made the best cookies. She had a talent for baking. [...]
[...] Week Three of Random Fact Friday This week's random fact: I have never lived in my "own" place. That could probably also read "I have [...]
[...] To get back into the groove of writing here more often I have decided to try a 30 Day Blog Challenge. Do you like the graphic above? I made it myself. I miss working with graphics. Over the [...]
[...] Here we go with Day 1 of my 30 Day Blog Challenge. Today's question is... Put your iPod on shuffle. List the first 10 songs that play. I just [...]
[...] It's Day 3 of my 30 Day Blog Challenge! What is inside your purse? There it is, in all it's glory. The contents of my purse. I [...]
Question two is... What is your middle name and what is it's significance? Ah, my middle name. It's Gayle. Not Gail. Gayle. I was named after a go [...]
[...] Welcome to Week 2 of Random Fact Friday! To learn more about my fun blog hop read my first Random Fact Friday post. My Random Fact: I never went on an "official" date until I attended [...]
[...] Welcome to another addition of my Random Fact Friday! Please join me and create your own Random Fact Friday post each week! Today's random fact is posted over at my friend Sarah's blog, Journeys Of [...]
It's that time again! Today's random fact: I am scared of ET. And I do not mean the TV show ET (Entertainment Tonight). No. I am talking about th [...]
[...] This week's Random Fact Friday is courtesy of my blogger friend Sarah! And please share a random fact about yourself below [...]
[...] During the last two weeks we went on a family vacation. We made the 7-8 hour trek to the city. The kids actually did really well in the vehicle. [...]
[...] As I mentioned in this week's Project Happy post we went on a family vacation to the city. Although we do live in a beautiful part of Canada and province that we live in, [...]
[...] While on our family vacation I did a wee bit of shopping. The above two t-shirts I bought from Ricki's. They were on sale, [...]
[...] appartment that I could decorate my own personal way. Now, it's your turn to link up your Random Fact Friday post! [...]
[...] to Week 2 of Random Fact Friday! To learn more about my fun blog hop read my first Random Fact Friday post. My Random Fact: I never went on an "official" date until I attended university. [...]
[...] Are you up for another Random Fact Friday post? Today's random fact: I am the real cookie monster. My Grandma H made the best cookies. [...]
[...] to another addition of my Random Fact Friday! Please join me and create your own Random Fact Friday post each week! Today's random fact is posted over at my friend Sarah's blog, Journeys [...]
[...] and this is not that type of award. Anyway... I was pleasantly surprised to see that a fellow blogger had thought that my blog was worthy of such an award! Thank you so much Mommy Outside [...]
[...] Fellow blogger and friend Julie of SoberJulie fame has published her first book! Julie's book is called [...]
[...] This week I have been in the mood to party! And after reading a friend and fellow blogger's post about The Ultimate Blog Party, I knew I had to join in. This is my first year [...]
[...] I cannot believe that 2012 is almost over and thus, Project Happy will also be coming to a close. I am not sure what I will write instead of Project Happy. I do [...]
[...] a Passion I believe I have found one of my passions - writing this blog. By participating in Project Happy these past few months and now by reading The Happiness Project, I think I have a good idea of [...]
[...] I have not posted a Project Happy in two weeks. I feel bad because it's one of my favourite posts to write. The weather has been [...]
[...] I keep posting my Project Happy later in the week than expected. Hopefully I will get back on track in a couple of weeks when [...]
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