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[...] Project will lead to reducing the rate of the national currency in circulation from four billion to one billion notes Posted by Iraq News Journal on Aug 18, [...]
[...] said Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri in a press statement: The process of deletion of zeros from the national currency will begin during 2014, through an agreement with the central bank, noting: This project [...] Ple [...]
[...] Alert: The reserve to support the value of the national currency Posted by Iraq News Journal on Apr 15, 2014 | Leave a Comment Baghdad – Mostafa Hashemi: [...]
[...] The Iraqi Dinar Daily is fast becoming very popular, it is a fast and fun site with updates three times a day with [...]
[...] The Iraqi Dinar Daily is fast becoming very popular, it is a fast and fun site with updates three times a day with [...]
[...] to convert the project inputs and outputs from foreign currency to its equivalent in the local currency, and that is by calculating the net discounted present value standard and the internal return [...]
[...] in Dubai: that ‘ Iraq has postponed to next year a plan to issue its first bonds in local currency in 10 years ‘, adding that ‘ legal difficulties issuing bonds this year as planned. Turkish [...]
[...] that the weakness of public awareness of the importance of buying and selling shares in the local currency dramatically in the emergence of dollarization, which severely hurt the national economy, [...]
[...] that the phenomenon of resorting to the dollar and Aktnazha linked to the weakness of the local currency and to go to a strong currency in which the trust to be saved, stressing that confidence in [...]
[...] large sums of cash. For example, just before the war, Saddam stole $1 billion from the Iraqi central bank. American soldiers found that Iraqi money in his palaces and shipped it to a base in Kuwait [...]
[...] delivered the new currency, those banks would sign for it. They would sign for it with an Iraqi Central Bank of employee who went with us on each of our convoys. We kept the chain of currency custody [...]
[...] expansion there commercially for some applicants the dollar.” It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Central Bank, announced in (the 23 of December 2013 the past), the arrival of the foreign currency [...]
[...] by Iraq News Journal on Jan 28, 2014 | Leave a Comment aghdad (newsletter). The Iraqi Central Bank, announced Monday, postponed issuing the first local bonds next year 2015, confirmed [...]
[...] 1,000 are considered counterfeit.” She provided me with a nice package of how to identify counterfeit currency. It had beautiful color pictures of what counterfeit Iraqi dinar looked like under [...]
[...] government has demanded the bank to wait to apply the project, fearing the emergence of counterfeit currency during the switching process. [...]
[...] government has demanded the bank to wait to apply the project, fearing the emergence of counterfeit currency during the switching process. Please any Questions: send to I [...]
[...] Bank said earlier that the implementation of the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency depends on the political situation and economic situation in the country. Please any [...]
[...] forces. The Finance Committee has confirmed that 2014 will see the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, are described: The deleted will be in coordination with the Central Bank. The committee [...]
[...] forces. The Finance Committee has confirmed that 2014 will see the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, are described: The deleted will be in coordination with the Central Bank. The committee [...]
[...] announced recently – more than 80 billion dollars paving the way to be because of the Iraqi currency purchasing power larger than it is now, as well as that it will contribute [...]
[...] to Select Trade Robotic Discussion on Stocks (also the ISX) Examples of Successful and Proven Strategies Q and A with the Microsoft Genius that created the program Break 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM How to [...]
[...] to Select Trade Robotic Discussion on Stocks (also the ISX) Examples of Successful and Proven Strategies Q and A with the Microsoft Genius that created the program Break 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM How to [...]
[...] to Select Trade Robotic Discussion on Stocks (also the ISX) Examples of Successful and Proven Strategies Q and A with the Microsoft Genius that created the program Break 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM How to [...]
[...] to Select Trade Robotic Discussion on Stocks (also the ISX) Examples of Successful and Proven Strategies Q and A with the Microsoft Genius that created the program Break 10:45 AM to 12:15 PM How to [...]
[...] Project will lead to reducing the rate of the national currency in circulation from four billion to one billion notes Posted by Iraq News Journal on Aug 18, [...]
[...] said Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri in a press statement: The process of deletion of zeros from the national currency will begin during 2014, through an agreement with the central bank, noting: This project [...] Ple [...]
[...] Alert: The reserve to support the value of the national currency Posted by Iraq News Journal on Apr 15, 2014 | Leave a Comment Baghdad – Mostafa Hashemi: [...]
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