Isabella Peng, CGA
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What’s new? – 2013 Transitional reporting If, at any time in the year, a taxpayer’s total cost amount of all “specified foreign property” exceeded $...
Did you know? There are lots of benefits, credits, and deductions to help families with their expenses throughout the year and reduce the amount they...
Changes to the way you deduct Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions for your employees aged 60 to 70 came into effect in January 2012. Employees working...
Did you know? The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulates more than 86,000 registered charities in Canada. To make sure your donation goes to a legitimate...
As a self-employed individual, you have until midnight on June 17, 2013 to file your 2012 income tax and benefit return. Don’t forget — you must pay any...
Beginning April 1, 2013, the 12% harmonized sales tax (HST) will no longer apply on property or services made in British Columbia (B.C.), or to property...
The new family caregiver credit (FCA) helps Canadians with the costs of caring for a dependant with a mental or physical impairment. Important facts...
Fast facts about filing your income tax return online Filing your return online means receiving your refund faster. Filing online is easy. Certified...
Find out what tax credit you are entitled before start preparing your tax return! The tax credits you may be able to claim: Family caregiver tax credit...
Information below was from CRA website. Did you know? There are several benefits and credits designed for seniors. Important information for seniors...
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[...] new housing purchases on which the GST becomes payable on or after April 1, 2013. The B.C. transition tax (a temporary provincial tax for new housing) will generally be payable by purchasers of new [...]
[...] and families with modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST that they pay. Working income tax benefit (WITB) – Working individuals and families with low income may be able to claim this [...]
[...] As a self-employed individual, you have until midnight on June 17, 2013 to file your 2012 income tax and benefit return. Don’t forget — you must pay any balance owing for 2012 on or before April [...]
[...] Fast facts about filing your income tax return online Filing your return online means receiving your refund faster. Filing online is easy. Certified software packages and Web [...]
[...] for. If you are already filing online, you no longer need a web access code to file your return online. Now, all you need is your social insurance number and date of birth. Filing online is secure. [...]
[...] level of online security used by Canadian financial institutions. File your income tax and benefit return on time to make sure there are no interruptions to your benefit and credit payments. Go to [...]
[...] individual, you have until midnight on June 17, 2013 to file your 2012 income tax and benefit return. Don’t forget — you must pay any balance owing for 2012 on or before April 30, 2013, [...]
[...] . Filing online is secure. The CRA uses the same high level of online security used by Canadian financial institutions. File your income tax and benefit return on time to make sure there are no [...]
[...] . Filing online is secure. The CRA uses the same high level of online security used by Canadian financial institutions. [...]
[...] impairment. Important facts Introduced in the 2011 federal budget, the FCA is a 15% non-refundable tax credit on an amount of $2,000 that provides tax relief for caregivers of dependant relatives [...]
[...] within Canada on public transit in 2012. Medical expenses – You may be able to claim a non-refundable tax credit based on the cost of previously unclaimed medical expenses for any 12-month period [...]
[...] your return online generally means receiving your refund faster. Filing online is easy. Certified software packages and Web applications (some of which are free to use) guide you through the process, [...]
[...] Filing your return online means receiving your refund faster. Filing online is easy. Certified software packages and Web applications (some of which are free to use) guide you through the process, [...]
[...] and benefits you may be eligible for. If you are already filing online, you no longer need a web access code to file your return online. Now, all you need is your social insurance number and date of [...]
[...] and benefits you may be eligible for. If you are already filing online, you no longer need a web access code. Now, all you need to file online is your social insurance number and date of birth. Filing [...]
[...] no longer need a web access code to file your return online. Now, all you need is your social insurance number and date of birth. Filing online is secure. The CRA uses the same high level of online [...]
[...] online, you no longer need a web access code. Now, all you need to file online is your social insurance number and date of birth. Filing online is secure. The CRA uses the same high level of online [...]
Fast facts about filing your income tax return online Filing your return online means receiving your refund faster. Filing online is easy. Certified [...]
[...] new housing purchases on which the GST becomes payable on or after April 1, 2013. The B.C. transition tax (a temporary provincial tax for new housing) will generally be payable by purchasers of new [...]
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