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This short tutorials explains about how to get variable type. How to get Variable datatype in Julia typeof()function accepts variable, and returns the...
This tutorials explains about convert String to int and int to string in Nim language with examples. How to convert String to Int in Nim parseInt in strutils...
This tutorial explains about following things Find the size of an array in Nim Find length of an sequence in Nim Array and sequence are data structures...
This tutorials explains about how to concatenate Strings in Nim language. Nim String Concatenate example There are multiple ways, we do string append...
This tutorial explains Environment variables in NIM. How to read environment variable The os module contains the getEnv procedure that returns the environment...
This tutorial explains how to convert a String into a Sequence of characters in the Nim Programming language The string is a type that contains a collection...
This tutorial explains How to find the variable data type in Nim With examples Nim typeof Operator Example typeOf(variable) returns the datatype of a...
This tutorial explains how to read command line arguments in NIm code For example, You have hello.nim code, that you want to run the code by passing arguments...
This tutorial explains Nim Random Generators Nim Random Number Generator Example random is a nim module that provides a procedure to generate Random numbers...
This tutorial explains multiple ways to get Datetime in Local and UTC as well as EPOCH timestamp. How to get the Current Epoch unix timestamp in NIm....
This tutorial shows NIM object and json string object conversion examples $$: to serialize Nim Object to JSOn string. to: deserialize json string to Nim...
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