Jimmy Bonney's Blog
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As I mentioned in different articles and in the About page, this website is being built using a static site generator, namely nanoc. Every time I push...
While I have always been interested in office material – I remember going through catalogues of pens and paper that my parents brought back home when...
I am getting more and more interested in static websites as I am following the developments in the JAMSTACK space. I have covered in previous articles...
I took some time recently to help out and redesign a website using Middleman. Considering that this was a simple website with only a few pages, it was...
Comments on this website are managed by Disqus. I installed and configured this a long time ago when initially starting the transition to having a static...
As I wrote a few months back already, I haven’t been very active around here for a while. With the exception of the article earlier this year, it has...
It has been a long time since I posted something and it was time for some clean-up, so bye-bye Google Analytics. It was long pending on my to-do list...
Firefox is my browser of choice currently, mostly due to its philosophy centered around a web accessible to all. I therefore use it as the default browser...
As I mentioned in a previous article, this website is purely static and has been so for a while now. However, the site structure and components have not...
While this is something that I keep on repeating privately on a regular basis, I have never published anything on this subject here. Time to fix this...
I am currently working at IKEA IT and with the recent death of IKEA founder – Ingvar Kamprad – a number of stories about his accomplishments are being...
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