Judy A Goddard, Artisan
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Chapter 1 Joan Santomenna posted this insightlul entry on her blog, "Journaling with Jesus" Chapter 2 is my comment on her entry. Chapter 3 is how...
Acts 2:25-28 Peter is quoting Psalm 16:8-11 “‘25 I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 26 Therefore...
7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 9 Parthians...
Finally! At the ripe old age of 52 I've made it to Woodstock! I went with my husband's boy scout troop last weekend and did we have a ball? You bet...
Tonight we started a new bible study. But it really isn’t a bible study. It’s really more of a journaling exercise. I don’t really have my mind truly...
Something new and exciting is happening over at Handmadeology.com! There's going to be a Mother's Day Auction on May 5! Go to http://www.handmadeology...
Luke 23: 38 - 43 38 There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults...
Hi all. I took a bit of a break. But I think, now, that I'm ready to blog again. Things in my life have changed quite a bit since my last posting and...
To anyone who may stop by...... I'm trying out the new(er) templates and hopefully will have things tidied up soon. God bless! Judy
Unfortunately Judy A Goddard, Artisan has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] orders that my customers expect. www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] I personally love all of my canes. www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] of Masonry just click on the link! www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] a finished product really soon. www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] feeling sorry for ourselves, we went inside and had a little wine! The next stop on the Progressive Loon Hunt was to Dawn's house. She lives on Quimby Pond. She is a scientist and world traveler and [...]
[...] with my sister, Ginni, and her husband, David. On the day that I went on my "Progressive Loon Hunt" David introduced Tom to Steven Mitchel, owner and head dean of the Maine [...]
[...] ;Progressive Loon Hunt" David introduced Tom to Steven Mitchel, owner and head dean of the Maine School of Masonry. One, Steven says, of only two private post high school masonry schools in the [...]
[...] all at once? More photos to follow! www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.jerseypinepickers.etsy.com [...]
[...] , every day, with the Wonders of God! www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.jerseypinepickers.etsy.com [...]
[...] , we jumped in our cars and drove over to the home of Ainsley and Dolly. They live on Loon Lake. (Sounds like a likely spot, eh?) Ainsley and Dolly live a log cabin, right on the [...]
[...] Ah well. What a wondeful day I had! www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.finishthis.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] and I look forward to attending the other two in the series. As a test for his blog, Handmadeology Pro, I think it was a tight little demo well worth the subscription price of $10.00 a month. The [...]
[...] that's the point. Just as God shows mercy to us even though we are lopsided, lumpy bumpy imperfect examples, so I'm showing mercy to these mugs. And you look at them, maybe you'll [...]
[...] .drshannonreece.com/2011/08/08/how-64-entrepreneurs-have-taken-leaps-of-faith/ Dr. Shannon Reece The Farm And... Poof! One chick becomes five! The Art I spent yesterday afternoon trying to [...]
[...] orders that my customers expect. www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] I personally love all of my canes. www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] of Masonry just click on the link! www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
[...] a finished product really soon. www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com www.measuremecharts.etsy.com www.beavercreekwoodworks.etsy.com www.JudyAGoddardArtisan.blogspot.com [...]
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