Kahuna Ashram
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I've been called a liberal Malay by many of my friends and family members, a supposedly pejorative term. Here is the non-exhaustive list of times that...
Let's talk about Zahra. I know this is old news, at least in internet years, but I keep seeing offhand comments about it everywhere and it's not sitting...
Do attractive people have it easier? I would believe so. But I've never been ugly so what do I know. Ha. No, really. I can't help but smirk every time...
Aside from my dayjob as some sort of engineer, I also take up freelance interpreting jobs mainly for French to English and vice versa. Apparently the...
As you get older and wiser you start giving less shit about stuff. I found myself singing along to One Direction's Night Changes last week during my morning...
I used to work with a guy who would proudly and repeatedly tell me he didn't have a Facebook account, like it is some kind of a badge of honour. He also...
I started this post by writing the title first. I'd never done that before. Usually I'd just let my writing roam around and go any which way it desired...
These days people find offense in most everything. I admit, my offense threshold is a little high, if not extremely, so not only is it almost impossible...
I woke up Saturday with a burning desire to repaint the living room and stair walls. I had a thousand other more pressing issues to deal with, but apparently...
Been back home in Malaysia since December. Surprisingly I don't miss France as much as I thought I would. One thing I do miss though, is cooking. I cooked...
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[...] serious and that I needed to follow through and not get derailed off topic. So what about The Victim Complex? As much as I love Wikipedia for a straight-forward, (mostly) unbiased overview of a topic, [...]
[...] in general, what they like and what they don't like, what unifies them and what divides them. (Spoiler alert: Sweeping generalisation of the French coming up!) One thing stood out: their love for [...]
[...] had a competition going on where we tried to be the first person to make her crack a smile (spoiler alert: I won). And the food was beyond awful. They somehow managed to overcook my pasta to the point [...]
[...] to myself unless provoked. I find people more bearable when they are not stupid, and stupid people are usually the most easily offended, so I try to keep the offense on the down low so I [...]
[...] -to-day happenings in the life of a group of young, relatively attractive but extremely stupid people, not unlike MTV's Jersey Shore. Nobody I know has any kind words to say about this sad [...]
[...] look like The Sound of Music. I can't believe I let myself watch the whole thing. For the entire duration of the film I was like a deer in the headlights, can't keep watching but can't look away. I [...]
[...] , and don't at all in Malaysia. I literally only helped in the kitchen once for the entire duration I have been back, and that was only because my mom bought home darnes of salmon and [...]
[...] is my idea of heaven anyway: a fat me in the middle of a Coca Cola pond being fed scallop and tuna sashimi by angels all day long. 4) Tuna Okay tuna might sound like a generic fish. I associate tuna [...]
[...] and to go for a run every day. I've been doing a 5km run every day for the past week by the Garonne river where the air is pure and the view is just lovely. Toulouse is such a beautiful city with its [...]
[...] ; she said, and I swear I saw her grin triumphantly towards her own reflection in the Garonne river. I just smiled. So, on top of being pretentious, arrogant and childish, she's also [...]
[...] themselves look down or straight out despise the language. The difference between the Bangladeshi dude who speaks excellent Malay after living here all of two years and a Malaysian Chinese apek [...]
[...] of a Coca Cola pond being fed scallop and tuna sashimi by angels all day long. 4) Tuna Okay tuna might sound like a generic fish. I associate tuna with camping trips, because every [...]
[...] serious and that I needed to follow through and not get derailed off topic. So what about The Victim Complex? As much as I love Wikipedia for a straight-forward, (mostly) unbiased overview of a topic, [...]
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