Kitchen Adventure
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Defending on what type of music you listen to, your moods and emotions could change instantly. I love danceable music as it makes me feel alive especially...
My baby girl is growing like weeds. She just turned 5 months old today and so Mommy made a little something for our baby Arielle. A chocolate cake that...
As a citizen, we have freedom of speech and we entitle to have our own opinion. Always know your rights and fight for it. Let the lawyers in north carolina...
I can’t believe my first born is turning 5 in four days. Where does time goes. I am happy to see her enjoying bonding with her little sister who’s only...
Just like jeans and dresses, finding the right bra that fits good is not easy for small/petite person like me especially when I first got here. I was...
I have been craving for fresh tropical fruits, fresh from the tree particularly a crunchy red papaya dip in vinegar, santol, balingbing and a lot more...
Yard sale is one of the best way to get rid of stuff you don’t need. You’ll earn some money and at the same time acquire more space for something...
My first try of this “Fried Chicken” recipe ala “Jollibee”. After seeing photos of Jollibee food from my Fb friends who have been...
With the healthcare reform, a lot of people is confused and don’t know exactly what, how and where to start. And everyone has different situation...
Happy Valentines everyone specially to all my family and friends in Philippines, USA and other parts of the world. I hope you guys would have a great...
Guitars have different parts that you can always change or upgrade later on. Anybody could easily change the strings, bridge, tone knobs, soundhole pickup...
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