Kobee Manatee
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I just learned that the David A. Straz Jr. Manatee Hospital located at the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida released its 202nd manatee! What a milestone...
Great news! One of my manatee buddies suffering from cold stress was rescued from the Magnolia River in Alabama. A team from SeaWorld, the Alabama Department...
(Photo: MALCOLM DENEMARK/FLORIDA TODAY) Good news! I’ve just heard that manatee deaths for 2014 were much lower as compared to 2013. Stats still need...
Photo by SeaWorld Great news! One of my manatee buddies suffering from cold stress, was rescued from the Savannah River at the Weyerhaeuser paper mill...
Photo by USFWS Endangered Species Greetings! Here are the final 3 of 7 very cool manatee facts for you. 5. Manatees control Buoyancy with our Lungs...
Photo: National Geographic – Blue Spring State Park, Orange City, Florida Greetings! Here are the first 4 of 7 very cool manatee facts for you. And...
Yikes! One of my Florida manatee buddies was just spotted in Trinity Bay. Now here’s where this gets interesting – Trinity Bay is in Texas! You see, he...
Photo – Save the Manatee Club Great News! Earlier this year over 1,200 people participated in the 11th Annual Save the Manatee 5K Run, 2 Mile Fun Walk...
Photo: Columbus Zoo & Aquarium Awesome News! Cadbury, a motherless male manatee calf, who was discovered near Key Largo, Florida in April just became...
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”― Albert Einstein This is the final blog on the eight factors...
Unfortunately Kobee Manatee has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] , in the end when you see all the children smiling at you, it’s well worth the effort! ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] 11, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-to-navigate-the-world-of-picture-book-genres/ ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] Books (July 22, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/harness-the-power-of-picture-books/ ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] Books (July 22, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/harness-the-power-of-picture-books/ ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] Stacey Baer. He was suffering from cold stress. Lt. Baer is a law enforcement officer with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Us manatees cannot withstand temperatures below 68 [...]
[...] and tangled up in fishing gear. If you see any sick or injured manatees, please call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at: 1-888-404-3922. They are the folks who are [...]
[...] were rescued in Allen Creek, which is located within Clearwater, Florida. Kudos to both the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium! When over a [...]
[...] washed up in Ocean Reef Park on Riviera Beach earlier today. According to Amber Howell of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission [FWC], the 10-year old, 1,100-pound manatee died [...]
[...] and words that communicate information on a certain subject. As for the first title in my Kobee Manatee series, Kobee Manatee: Heading Home to Florida, I focus only on the habitat and behavior of [...]
[...] and palms. Stunning live oaks bend over the flow creating a tropical wonderland. No wonder Kobee Manatee calls Blue Spring his home! Since manatees are warm-blooded mammals, they can’t tolerate [...]
[...] manatee mortalities, there is no reason to change their current endangered status. Kobee Manatee and I are on a mission to educate and save the manatee’s while providing [...]
[...] her at largiri1@hotmail.com Congratulations Lesley, all of us manatees are so proud of you! ~ Kobee Manatee [...]
[...] development. Finally, it has been documented that “print-rich” environments including; picture books, paper, and writing tools where children had easy access to, provided the most favorable [...]
[...] Jalongo, in her book Young Children and Picture Books 2nd ed., literacy skills that can be built through responses to song picture books include the [...]
[...] children; Coolies by Yin and Casey Over There by Statin Rabin. So in ending it can be seen the picture books clearly assist in the development of the child’s integrity through their entertaining, [...]
[...] that happens as soon as you open its pages. That is why early child educators use top quality picture books on a regular schedule in their classes. Part of this wonderful magic is the extraordinary [...]
[...] us manatees to climb over a cement wall! My good friends from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, along with some volunteers from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium came over to rescue [...]
[...] manatee from the Indian River in Port St. John, Florida. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission was monitoring the manatee for a few days. They noticed that it was not going under [...]
[...] fishing gear. If you see a sick or injured manatee, please call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at: 1-888-404-FWCC. They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in [...]
[...] gear. If you see any sick or injured manatees, please call the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at: 1-888-404-FWCC. They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in [...]
[...] -404-3922. They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in Florida. Here is a cool link for you to learn more about how we’re rescued and brought into rehabilitation … www. [...]
[...] -404-3922. They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in Florida. Here is a cool link for you to learn more about how we’re rescued and brought into rehabilitation … www. [...]
[...] -404-FWCC. They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in Florida. Here is a cool link for you to learn more about how we’re rescued and brought into rehabilitation … www. [...]
[...] -404-FWCC. They are the folks who are responsible for rescuing us in Florida. Here is a cool link for you to learn more about how we’re rescued and brought into rehabilitation … www. [...]
[...] the Caribbean that have evidence of us dating back some 50 million years! I’m a West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus). The West Indian Manatee includes two subspecies, the Florida [...]
[...] , and population biology.” For more information on USGS studies on manatees, including the West Indian manatee and the Florida manatee, see: http://fl.biology.usgs.gov/Manatees/manatees.html ~ Kobee [...]
[...] year was really horrible.” Florida Manatees (that’s me ) are a subspecies of the West Indian manatee. We’re currently listed as “endangered” and are at risk from both natural and man- [...]
[...] the cold-stressed manatee. Florida Manatees (that’s me J) are a subspecies of the West Indian manatee. We’re currently listed as “endangered” and are at risk from both natural and man- [...]
[...] to Children (Part 3) – The Joy of Escaping into a Fantasy Environment (July 15, 2014) How Children Benefit from Informational Picture Books (July 25, 2014) [...]
[...] ) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/8-ways-picture-books-meet-young-childrens-needs-part-1/ How Children Benefit from Informational Picture Books (July 25, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-children- [...]
[...] .com/reading-to-preschool-children-one-of-the-most-important-steps-parents-can-do/ How Children Benefit from Informational Picture Books (July 25, 2014)http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-children- [...]
[...] 11, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-to-navigate-the-world-of-picture-book-genres/ How Children Benefit from Informational Picture Books (July 25, 2014)http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-children- [...]
[...] known critic of children’s literature, Margery Fisher explains that authors of informational picture books from elementary school through middle school have to communicate facts as a teacher in [...]
[...] can learn.”― Albert Einstein This is the final blog on the eight factors for evaluating informational picture books. These factors include: Both the text and the illustrations should explain the [...]
[...] /children-discover-love-of-reading-from-book-loving-parents/ How Children Benefit from Informational Picture Books (July 25, 2014)http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-children-benefit-from-informational- [...]
[...] of text and illustrations very carefully woven into 32 pages. But what are children’s informational picture books? Informational picture books contain both illustrations and words that communicate [...]
[...] in 2009, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission had to rescue one of my manatee buddies from the rapidly cooling waters off the Jersey Shore. He like I, was heading south from [...]
[...] I just got the news while swimming in the Atlantic Ocean off of Miami that one of my manatee buddies became trapped in a spillway. It happened in St. Petersburg, Florida near 37th street. He was [...]
[...] I just got word one of my manatee buddies was rescued on Bokeelia Beach! Ms. Denise Boyd of the Florida Fish and Wildlife explained [...]
[...] Services’ Manatee Rescue and Rehabilitation Program. It sure is great news when my manatee buddies recover from their injuries! If you see any sick or injured manatees, please call the [...]
[...] , in the end when you see all the children smiling at you, it’s well worth the effort! ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] 11, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/how-to-navigate-the-world-of-picture-book-genres/ ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] Books (July 22, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/harness-the-power-of-picture-books/ ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
[...] Books (July 22, 2014) http://www.kobeemanatee.com/harness-the-power-of-picture-books/ ~ Robert Scott Thayer [...]
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