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The most vexing problem is the detention of U.S. contractor Alan Gross. Cuban Day Parade in Union City, New Jersey U.S. relations with Cuba are at their...
Public responds to increase in bus fares and delays to infrastructure improvements with demonstrations and disruption Rio de Janeiro protest 2013 People...
Pizzolato was the only one of those found guilty who did not turn himself in. Henrique Pizzolato The former director of Brazil's state-owned bank, who...
Come what may, the dispute has already cost precious time. Panama Canal expansion Panama Canal expansion project. Photo: Gerardo Pesantez/World Bank...
Opposition blames arrests on retaliation by Maduro Flag of Venezuela A Venezuelan opposition party demanded on Wednesday that President Nicolá...
The officials emphasized that such efforts were not being directed toward the Brazilian public at-large, but at members of violent groups. Brazil Military...
Soaring power costs and the lack of energy security are major regional concerns. Necker Island , British Virgin Islands Necker Island is a small island...
The new, rechargeable coupon, known in Portuguese as a Vale Cultura, is to be made available to workers who earn up to $300 a month, or about five times...
A grossly inefficient sewage system makes the city's tap water filthy and consigns millions to disease, will it ever improve? Water jugs outside a home...
Planners say major public space, including stadiums, university campus and bus terminal, will improve life in crime-ridden city Caracas, Venezuela View...
A report from Credit Suisse Research Institute JK Bridge in Brasília Juscelino Kubitschek bridge crosses Lake Paranoá in Brasília...
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