La Vie est Belle
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"When I was interviewing couples, a single word kept coming up again and again. So many people said it that I actually started to worry about the...
"Wisteria" is for rent this July! Are you or someone you know going to take advantage of the weak euro and head to the South of France this summer? ...
Yesterday I was texting with my friend. Once, a long time ago, he was my boss--the guy who counted on me to get some things done for him at the office...
At Jessie's wedding in California April 2014 When I was in fifth grade, I went home in December for Christmas break. After two glorious weeks of sledding...
On Sunday my phone lit up with one of my favorite names: Julia Bootcamp. Her name is Julia, and I met her at Bootcamp a few seasons ago. I never knew...
It seems like lately I have been seeing articles or blog posts pop up on my Facebook page or on Pinterest or other places my eyes happen to be looking...
la rentrée . . . back to school. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not the most overly emotional, sentimental, melancholy person in the entire world. Or the...
So here we are, 7 years in France. I would be lying if I didn't tell you I've got a bit of the 7 year itch - to have my kids see what school is like...
I was just scrolling through my photos and was reminded of what Sophie did in July. Her dance teacher has moved to San Francisco where her American husband...
I just wanted to write down how grateful I am for something that seems so silly: good weather. Winter was so long this year and we are being blessed...
We are still on the start-up roller coaster. Actually, it feels more like a train. Sometimes it goes slowly, then it might speed up a bit, and other...
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[...] La Gastro. Gastro not like "gastronomie" as in fine food, but "gastroenteritis" as in [...]
[...] on the left? We will add a railing later. We will also build a wall to make a laundry room where Olivier is standing with the water heaters. See the water heaters? So I am [...]
[...] window people about window that won't open in attic -find sliding door & rail for laundry room -grout shower -dust off the clothes left in the bedroom and vacuum everything -clean off [...]
[...] when it rains. And rains, and rains some more. Things are tough right now at SnapCar. Start-up life is hard on everyone, it turns out. So I'd like to make a list of all the positive [...]
[...] goes to Paris every week and sometimes sleeps at the office. Ah, the realities of start-up life. Dave wears his hair long like a Parisian, but wears his trousers in pinks and blues - [...]
[...] (or euro!) to spare, it's time to act. Every centime we raise is going directly to Breast Cancer Research, so don't hesitate to make a donation. Find out more here: PW Bootcamp for Breast Cancer: [...]
[...] iPad to the face at summer camp. And there was that time on New Years Eve when I met Phillipe Starck. We kissed cheeks. So, voila, 2014 in a few snapshots and .... Bienvenue 2015 . . . [...]
[...] Slightly awestruck, but not jealous, I countered with, "Can you ask her if she paid off Phillipe Starck the $3.5 million they still owe him for designing her yacht?" And there it is, the [...]
[...] my camera :) Thought you might like to see the trailer. You can check out the website here: Ballerina Belle. I think the concept is really cute and it's amazing what they accomplished with basically [...]
[...] in the oven with some salt and pepper, they taste great. Pretty basic stuff! The school, La Cuisine Paris, is situated right on the Seine, and has an easy, functional kitchen to prepare the food. [...]
[...] it down: The House: The house continues to be a work in progress. We finished the attic renovation a year ago in April. Then we started working on the outside, which has been as [...]
[...] persuaded everyone to keep us seabound for lunch. Did I mention that on our honeymoon Dave had me try his salmon one night at dinner and I CRIED because I thought it was so [...]
[...] On Sunday my phone lit up with one of my favorite names: Julia Bootcamp. Her name is Julia, and I met her at Bootcamp a few seasons ago. I never knew that you [...]
[...] La Gastro. Gastro not like "gastronomie" as in fine food, but "gastroenteritis" as in [...]
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