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Veena Venugopal posted a blog post Figurative watercolor paintings by Alexis Lavine Artist Alexis Lavine has been painting with watercolors over the...
Veena Venugopal posted a video Artist Videos - Alexis Lavine - Amarillo Art Institute Artist Videos - Alexis Lavine - Amarillo Art Institute, Amarillo...
prashanth is now a member of
Jayalakshmi posted a blog post Spectacular led light tunnel in Japan This spectacular tunnel adorned with tiny led lights was created for Winter Illuminations...
mohamed maaloul, Mohneesh Malik, Shikhar Sonkar and 3 more joined
Veena Venugopal posted a blog post Figurative oil paintings of women in contemporary scenes by Michael Fitzpatrick Artist Michael Fitzpatrick uses traditional...
Mohneesh Malik, Shikhar Sonkar, sonu raj and 2 more joined
rakesh posted a blog post A staircase into infinity by David McCracken New Zealand based artist David McCracken has created this fun optical illusion...
rakesh posted a video 5 mètres 80 [fr] J'ai réalisé il y a presque 10 ans "7 tonnes 2" un court-métrage mettant en scène un éléphant sur un trampoline...
Shamim Khan commented on rakesh's video HD: Grizzly Bears Catching Salmon - Nature's Great Events: The Great Salmon Run - BBC One
Jayalakshmi posted a blog post Detailed hand stitched portraits by Maria Pineres Los-Angeles based artist Maria Pineres stitches intricate portraits...
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