Lee Ingram – Good Samaritan Marketer
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Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday Dear Reader… Happy Birthday to YOU! Wait, it’s not your birthday? Oh right. It’s MY Birthday...
I know it’s been way too long since my last post but I’ve been busy building out an idea I had a while ago, and I think this will change the internet...
I preach a lot about customer service. Obviously I feel that customer service is a very important part of business, and that’s why today we’re talking...
Recently I was down in Orlando, Florida at a conference. I can’t tell you the number of incredible people I met who are just plain brilliant, but...
Man, you know that feeling when your mind gets blown? That wonderful feeling of new knowledge that you can really apply? It’s so satisfying! I...
Often if you’re new to online business you may find yourself confronted with the problem of not knowing where to start. The simplest thing to ask...
Something I’m reading a lot on the Warrior Forums as well as in responses from my subscribers is a that folks are learning all sorts of neat tricks...
Whew, I know it was a long weekend but I don’t feel rested at all. Must’ve been all the hours I was putting into being successful, haha. ...
So I figured since I talk so much about this online marketing business stuff with folks, I might as well ramble in some format that’s recordable...
In my last post I was talking about why customer service is still an ever-important part of business. In this post I hope to expand on this by recounting...
First off, let me preface this by saying that working in customer service was probably the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. It was...
Unfortunately Lee Ingram – Good Samaritan Marketer has no news yet.
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[...] First off, let me preface this by saying that working in customer service was probably the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. It was great for learning. I [...]
[...] putting into being successful, haha. In these last few posts I’ve been talking about customer service and why it’s still as important as ever. I promised to finish my story, so let’s [...]
[...] I preach a lot about customer service. Obviously I feel that customer service is a very important part of business, and that’s why today we’re talking about pride. Look, [...]
[...] In my last post I was talking about why customer service is still an ever-important part of business. In this post I hope to expand on this by [...]
[...] water. Often when you see a larger number of clicks sent to you for a cheap price, it’s junk traffic. What do I mean by junk traffic? Allow me to explain… Junk traffic rarely converts, if [...]
[...] group the exactly what I’m telling you here. I alerted folks that I was receiving junk traffic from a guy on SoloChecker.com and they should watch out before buying from him. Those are the [...]
[...] together what we think is the most comprehensive and affordable list-building training in the online business world today. Yep, I’m not afraid to say that. Please, if you’ve been [...]
[...] Straight to the Point I’ll talk more about the subject of style and finding yourself in online business. [...]
[...] ; Earlier this month I was buying traffic to one of my sales funnels, as I often do. In my online business I’m often buying traffic from individual solo ad vendors as well as facebook ads, [...]
[...] ? This experience along with a few others have taught me that all too many people approach online business like a seedy, back-alley hustler. You might be able to sustain this for months, or even a few [...]
[...] funnels, as I often do. In my online business I’m often buying traffic from individual solo ad vendors as well as facebook ads, mobile ads, etc. In this case it was solo ad traffic, and [...]
[...] in that fairly popular facebook group where the main purpose is to honestly review solo ad vendors, something he purported to be. Doesn’t that automatically destroy any integrity [...]
[...] individual solo ad vendors as well as facebook ads, mobile ads, etc. In this case it was solo ad traffic, and unfortunately most of my bad experiences have been when dealing with solo ad vendors. Don& [...]
[...] . The quickest thing I could think of was to alert folks to this bogus vendor on the Solo Ad Testimonials facebook group. I figured I’d contact the vendor after the order was delivered to [...]
[...] my story, so let’s get to it. If you’ll recall, I had just discovered that the solo ad traffic I was receiving was bogus. It was junk, and some of the worst junk I’d seen in a while. [...]
[...] First off, let me preface this by saying that working in customer service was probably the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. It was great for learning. I [...]
[...] putting into being successful, haha. In these last few posts I’ve been talking about customer service and why it’s still as important as ever. I promised to finish my story, so let’s [...]
[...] I preach a lot about customer service. Obviously I feel that customer service is a very important part of business, and that’s why today we’re talking about pride. Look, [...]
[...] In my last post I was talking about why customer service is still an ever-important part of business. In this post I hope to expand on this by [...]
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