LifeTips Investing Tip of the Day
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Just as call buying is the most basic options trading strategy you can employ when expecting upward movement in a stock, put buying is the most basic...
The last option strategy uses options to accumulate stock positions by selling puts to acquire a stock below market value. A put seller takes on the obligation...
When you leave your job, you can either leave the money you've contributed to the 401(k) with the company, or you can ask to have it transferred to an...
When you open an individual retirement account (IRA), you will have to decide how to invest the money. Unlike with an employer sponsored retirement plan...
It is currently possible to contribute up to $4000 per year in an IRA account. Those over the age of 50 are allowed to make additional contributions....
Procrastinators take heart! You can make the previous year's contribution to an individual retirement account (IRA) up until tax day on the current year...
A 12b-1 distribution fee with a mutual fund is the fee you contribute to the mutual fund's advertising campaign. Not all mutual funds charge 12b-1 fees...
If you want a piece of the real estate action, but don't have enough money to buy a rental unit or invest in another property, look into Real Estate Investment...
If you want to invest your money in a cause you believe in, look into socially responsible mutual funds. These mutual funds only buy into companies that...
When in doubt, invest in index funds. Index funds are mutual funds that hold a little bit of all the stocks in a particular index. S&P 500 Index Funds...
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