Look Birdy


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Look Birdy' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Look Birdy' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Look Birdy' Channel

The super simple photo app that makes kids look

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Feb, 2014Mar, 2014Apr, 2014May, 2014Jun, 2014Jul, 2014Aug, 2014Sep, 2014Oct, 2014Nov, 2014Dec, 2014Jan, 2015012Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsLinksImagesVideos
? Average Article Length

'Look Birdy' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Look Birdy' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Look Birdy' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News
PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app which solves problem that plaques parents daily.

No longer will you have to publicly humiliate yourself in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple...

Look Birdy: How an app that solved a little everyday problem took off.

They say you should never work with children or animals, good thing my little iPhone app works with both. In a couple of weeks, and with zero...

My creative dad trilogy – an attempt to do creative work that wasn’t work.

Last year, I started making stuff that related to my kids, this turned into my Creative Dad Trilogy. Part tribute to my daughters and the new...

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app to solve problem that plagues parents daily.

No longer will you have to publicly humiliate yourself in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple...

Rhys, ironing out the last few bugs on Look Birdy

  There is a massive gaping chasm between coming up with an idea and actually making it. For me, this is this app. I got my first iPhone around...

No more items

Unfortunately Look Birdy has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app to solve problem that plagues parents daily.

[...] publicly humiliate yourself in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple photo app that solves a problem which has plagued parents for… well I [...]

Look Birdy: How an app that solved a little everyday problem took off.

[...] ;iPhone app works with both. In a couple of weeks, and with zero investment in advertising, Look Birdy, my little app that helps parents take better photos of their kids has been downloaded [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app which solves problem that plaques parents daily.

[...] humiliate yourself in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple photo app that solves a problem which has plagued parents for… well I [...]

Rhys, ironing out the last few bugs on Look Birdy

  There is a massive gaping chasm between coming up with an idea and actually making it. For me, this is this app. I got my first iPhone aroun [...]

My creative dad trilogy – an attempt to do creative work that wasn’t work.

[...] suggested when she was four. She woke up one morning and said “Dad, I have an idea for an iPad app”. Mind you, a few days earlier she had announced that she wanted to be a banana when she [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app to solve problem that plagues parents daily.

[...] in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple photo app that solves a problem which has plagued parents for… well I guess as long as phones [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app which solves problem that plaques parents daily.

[...] in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple photo app that solves a problem which has plagued parents for… well I guess as long as phones could [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app to solve problem that plagues parents daily.

[...] . The app, created by 38 year old Melbourne Dad Ben Keenan with programming help from his friend Rhys Sullivan uses an iPhones flash in way Steve Jobs never intended. It turns it into an attractor [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app which solves problem that plaques parents daily.

[...] . The app, created by 38 year old Melbourne Dad Ben Keenan with programming help from his friend Rhys Sullivan uses an iPhones flash in way Steve Jobs never intended. It turns it into an attractor [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app to solve problem that plagues parents daily.

[...] Dad Ben Keenan with programming help from his friend Rhys Sullivan uses an iPhones flash in way Steve Jobs never intended. It turns it into an attractor whilst making attention grabbing bird noises [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app which solves problem that plaques parents daily.

[...] Dad Ben Keenan with programming help from his friend Rhys Sullivan uses an iPhones flash in way Steve Jobs never intended. It turns it into an attractor whilst making attention grabbing bird noises [...]

My creative dad trilogy – an attempt to do creative work that wasn’t work.

[...] Last year, I started making stuff that related to my kids, this turned into my Creative Dad Trilogy. Part tribute to my daughters and the new things they teach me everyday and [...]

My creative dad trilogy – an attempt to do creative work that wasn’t work.

[...] Last year, I started making stuff that related to my kids, this turned into my Creative Dad Trilogy. Part tribute to my daughters and the new things they teach me everyday and part [...]

My creative dad trilogy – an attempt to do creative work that wasn’t work.

[...] do lay awake a night hoping Look Birdy turns into this phenomenon that allows me to pursue creative Dad projects for a living. It got endorsed by a Malaysian Pop-Star last night, so you never know. [...]

?Key Phrases
PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app to solve problem that plagues parents daily.

[...] publicly humiliate yourself in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple photo app that solves a problem which has plagued parents for… well I [...]

Look Birdy: How an app that solved a little everyday problem took off.

[...] ;iPhone app works with both. In a couple of weeks, and with zero investment in advertising, Look Birdy, my little app that helps parents take better photos of their kids has been downloaded [...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dad creates app which solves problem that plaques parents daily.

[...] humiliate yourself in an attempt to get your precious children to look at the camera. Look Birdy is a very simple photo app that solves a problem which has plagued parents for… well I [...]

Rhys, ironing out the last few bugs on Look Birdy

  There is a massive gaping chasm between coming up with an idea and actually making it. For me, this is this app. I got my first iPhone aroun [...]

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