Lyde's Amazing Adventures in the Army's Chaplain School.
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Well, we're half way through the program, and we're still rocking! Today, I had the chance to lead a most amazing worhip service. Even though it was only...
We've got a lot going on with classes, presentations, etc. The days are always full, of course, but the evenings have been packed lately with readings...
This past weekend, I participated in Army Reserve Drill with my battalion. Even though things are very busy here at Chaplain School , it felt good...
We spent the entire day on effective Army writing (a little hint: passive voice – bad; active voice – good). After learning about Army writing, we learned...
During this morning's PT run, the group that I run with (the seven people who completed the 2-mile run in under 14 minutes) had a chance to run three...
For the first time since arriving at Chaplain School, I finally got smoked during a PT session, and it was great! We did a lot of pushups, situps, flutter...
Today we officially began Phase I (the previous phase was actually called Chaplain Initial Military Training - CIMT). We all went in sporting our new...
Well, we have finished phase I of training, which basically means that we can now drink alcohol (excuse me a second while I put down this beer so that...
Yesterday ended up being rather low key. In the morning, I was sent to the dental clinic to get x-rays, a checkup, and everything else needed to complete...
Sorry for the delay in getting back here; last week was rather busy. We had a wonderful time out in the field for the 3-day exercise. The weather was...
Do to the rain, we were unable to actually rappel down the 60 foot wall today, but we were able to navigate the ropes course which was real fun. We started...
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Lyde's Amazing Adventures in the Army's Chaplain School.
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The Adventures of an Army Chaplain
This blog is my way of sharing my journey, ideas, thoughts opinions, failures and successes as I journey through life as...
The Adventures of an Army Chaplain
This blog is my way of sharing my journey, ideas, thoughts opinions, failures and successes as I journey through life as...