MEN in Menstruation
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Hi Everyone, Long-time-no-update indeed! I know much of my menstrual faithfuls and community members have really been lost due to the disappearance of...
Hi Everyone, Long-time-no-update indeed! I know much of my menstrual faithfuls and community members have really been lost due to the disappearance of...
Hi Everyone, Long-time-no-update indeed! I know much of my menstrual faithfuls and community members have really been lost due to the disappearance of...
Yay finally, I have time to blog and for my general readers, that is great news… for my period-readers, not so much. My cute lil’reader Alyson asked me...
Yay finally, I have time to blog and for my general readers, that is great news… for my period-readers, not so much. My cute lil’reader Alyson asked me...
For those particularly sensitive to a good menstrual kick, please skip this entry. This has been a pretty big topic today with U.S. gymnast Jordyn Wieber...
For those particularly sensitive to a good menstrual kick, please skip this entry. This has been a pretty big topic today with U.S. gymnast Jordyn Wieber...
Watch the video below =P The reason why (As a girl myself, generally speaking) a girl yells “I’m on my period!” is NOT BS. Guys may think so, but guys...
Watch the video below =P The reason why (As a girl myself, generally speaking) a girl yells “I’m on my period!” is NOT BS. Guys may think so, but guys...
So yesterday I participated in a grand celebration of a one-year anniversary of Bepreparedperiod tweet chats! It was a fantastic party, again, reminding...
You’ll find this title picture very amusing after you read the entry… (or at least if you know what’s in the theme of the picture) So yesterday I participated...
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