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Greetings friends and fellow DIYers! It has been a while since I have been in touch with you all. I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that your...
The Littlest One’s expectations have been set too high when it comes to family birthday dinners. I asked her what she’d like this year and she said “Well...
Blue had been absent from my “home décor” life for so long. I basically went through the early 2000’s tan/green phase and am just finally emerging from...
I know, usually I don’t put food posts on here. It’s not my “thing.” However, my friends are growing tons of tomatoes in their gardens and we are reaping...
Dear Friends and Fellow DIYers, I miss writing and keeping you up to date on my latest and greatest projects. Ok, I’ll be honest – I miss actually doing...
Ah vacation…when you can truly relax and do what you want to do. What did I do after a few rounds of kayaking and a couple naps? (Oh my aching arms...
I think I said it last year, but the Fourth isn’t a holiday I tend to spend a lot of energy on. It’s all about being with family, relaxing and not worrying...
I saw a cartoon recently that said something to the effect of “How can you expect me to think outside the box if I have to work inside a box?” Quote...
Another school year has come to a close. The Littlest One is again moving up a grade and it’s time to say thanks to those who have kept her on the road...
I did it! I finished a project! The Pink is gone and the Beach is making an appearance in our house. I’ve finally painted the guest room (Sand Beach...
When we first moved into this house, the Littlest One was about 3 years old and in her world, EVERYTHING had to be pink. In fact, the first room we painted...
Unfortunately ME, MYSELF & DIY has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
Xan;kasdfpoihlknt?{):><….How do you use this thing again? This blogging thing is a lot of work! Time for a nap. Xxx………zzzzzzzzzzzzzz [...]
Ok, things are getting off to a better start around here this morning. A little coffee… Maybe help Dad with some work. Time for a nap. � [...]
I think I need a snack. Hmmm, what’s in this nicely organized pantry? Score! Time for a nap. XXXzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Scooter PS: I was not h [...]
Today I think I’m going to try to make some art… What do you do with this stuff? Forget it. Time for a nap. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, [...]
[...] . Don’t tell. It’s been fun hanging out with you guys. Words with Friends anyone? XXXXOOOO, Scooter PS: I was not harmed in any way during the creating … Continue reading → [...]
[...] thing again? This blogging thing is a lot of work! Time for a nap. Xxx………zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Scooter PS: I was not harmed in any way during the creating of these blog posts. [...]
[...] ’s in this nicely organized pantry? Score! Time for a nap. XXXzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Scooter PS: I was not harmed in any way during the creation of these blog posts. More of Scooter’s [...]
Today I think I’m going to try to make some art… What do you do with this stuff? Forget it. Time for a nap. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, [...]
I love a good mystery, don’t you?? Mom and I were “getting our thrift on” (near her house, not mine) about a month ago looking for a specific [...]
[...] I never really thought that I’d be so in love with my thrift shop and vintage finds. I used to be an “all new, all the time” kind of person. But each Christmas, [...]
Xan;kasdfpoihlknt?{):><….How do you use this thing again? This blogging thing is a lot of work! Time for a nap. Xxx………zzzzzzzzzzzzzz [...]
Ok, things are getting off to a better start around here this morning. A little coffee… Maybe help Dad with some work. Time for a nap. � [...]
I think I need a snack. Hmmm, what’s in this nicely organized pantry? Score! Time for a nap. XXXzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Scooter PS: I was not h [...]
Today I think I’m going to try to make some art… What do you do with this stuff? Forget it. Time for a nap. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, [...]
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