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WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama held a White House meeting Saturday with the Dalai Lama, a fellow Nobel Peace laureate, hours after China called on...
There’s an inconvenient political truth for Texas Governor Rick Perry: he was his state’s 1988 campaign chairman for then U.S. Senator Al Gore’s first...
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Under assault in a phone hacking scandal, News Corp. has met a self-imposed deadline for reporting its 2011 political contributions online...
WASHINGTON — Tim Pawlenty on Friday joined the Jim DeMint wing of the Republican Party in the debt ceiling debate. Sort of. Pawlenty argued in multiple...
WASHINGTON — As negotiations continue over raising the debt limit, Republican leaders are at odds with their own base, amid reports that their electoral...
It’s Monday morning, and Congressman Brad Miller, a Raleigh Democrat, is in Wake Forest talking radars, incoming torpedoes and “hard kills” with executives...
ST. PAUL, Minn. — For Michele Bachmann, the laugh line doubled as a clear message that she thinks she’s ready for the rough-and-tumble of presidential...
The decline of large predators and other “apex consumers” at the top of the food chain has disrupted ecosystems all over the planet, according to a review...
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton and top Republicans struck a deal Thursday to end a budget impasse that prompted the state government to shut down, with the...
WASHINGTON — A resolution to raise the nation’s debt ceiling may remain far off. But the long-term framing of the debate over spending and debt is becoming...
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