Mariscal International Lawyers Spain
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The Corporate Enterprises Act establishes losses that reduce equity to an amount of less than half of the share capital as a cause of the dissolution...
Among the urgent measures adopted concerning the refinancing and restructuration of the enterprise debt in Spain, there are relevant novelties. The risk...
In Spain, the General Law in Defense of Consumers and Users provides that the consumer must receive notice of the final price of the goods, (including...
In Spain, the consumer must have given his or her prior consent for a retailer to contact the consumer by email. Consumers maintain the right to object...
The General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users in Spain (Law 3/2014 from March 27) introduces modifications for contracts with consumers that...
On 8 March 2014, Spain’s Royal Decree-law 4/2014 on urgent measures concerning the refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt (the “New Reform”)...
I was an intern at Mariscal Abogados from May- July 2014. As a language student, I wanted to improve my language skills and also explore the possibility...
French and Spanish law have much in common for historical reasons: their common features, their forming part of the European Union, and the latter trends...
A Partnership in Spain is a recommended corporate formation for small businesses that do not require investments and prefer simple management. The liability...
The partnership is one of the legal forms to begin business activity in Spain. A partnership is a simple association between persons with a common entrepreneurial...
The Reform in Spain will apply to contracts with consumers and users concluded after June 13, 2014. Among the novelties, we underline the extension of...
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