Mark Manna | Amherst, New York


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Mark Manna | Amherst, New York' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Mark Manna | Amherst, New York' Channel

For Amherst Town Supervisor

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
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? Content Ratio
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? Average Article Length

'Mark Manna | Amherst, New York' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Mark Manna | Amherst, New York' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Mark Manna | Amherst, New York' contains more negatively biased articles than positive or neutral ones (e.g. it may include some critical or negatively biased opinions on the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Mark Manna | Amherst, New York has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Manna and Ryan Urge Reform of 485-b Tax Exemption

[...] period. State law allows each county, city, town, village, or school district to create an advisory board for their taxing district, which can designate the types of businesses that should be [...]

Manna And Ryan Push for County Board Incentive Board

[...] State law allows each county, city, town, village, or school district to create an advisory board for their taxing district, which can designate the types of businesses that should be [...]

Manna and Ryan Urge Reform of 485-b Tax Exemption

[...] within the taxing district where the 485-B exemption can and cannot be used. Unfortunately, Erie County has not established an advisory board for the 485-B exemption, formally known as an Industrial [...]

Manna And Ryan Push for County Board Incentive Board

[...] within the taxing district where the 485-B exemption can and cannot be used. Unfortunately, Erie County has not established an advisory board for the 485-B exemption, formally known as an Industrial [...]

Manna and Ryan Urge Reform of 485-b Tax Exemption

[...] and Commercial Incentive Board. Creation of such a board would require action by the Erie County Legislature. Today, Manna and Ryan wrote to Erie County Legislature Chairwoman Betty Jean Grant [...]

Manna And Ryan Push for County Board Incentive Board

[...] and Commercial Incentive Board. Creation of such a board would require action by the Erie County Legislature. Today, Manna and Ryan wrote to Erie County Legislature Chairwoman Betty Jean Grant [...]

Manna and Ryan Urge Reform of 485-b Tax Exemption

[...] each county, city, town, village, or school district to create an advisory board for their taxing district, which can designate the types of businesses that should be eligible for the 485-B exemption. [...]

Manna And Ryan Push for County Board Incentive Board

[...] each county, city, town, village, or school district to create an advisory board for their taxing district, which can designate the types of businesses that should be eligible for the 485-B exemption. [...]

Manna and Ryan Urge Reform of 485-b Tax Exemption

[...] an advisory board for the 485-B exemption, formally known as an Industrial and Commercial Incentive Board. Creation of such a board would require action by the Erie County Legislature. Today,  [...]

Manna And Ryan Push for County Board Incentive Board

[...] an advisory board for the 485-B exemption, formally known as an Industrial and Commercial Incentive Board. Creation of such a board would require action by the Erie County Legislature. Today,  [...]

Letter: Amherst is being run by wealthy developers

[...] massive hotel. The Iskalo project was never given a fair and open hearing. But for the voice of Mark Manna, the Weinstein-led Town Board was, and remains, mum. Well, silence is a position, too. It is [...]

Whats that smell coming from Amherst town hall??

[...] my opponent “cooking the books”? State audit and TV report shed light on shoddy record keeping. Mark Manna, candidate for Amherst Supervisor stated: “It is unacceptable for any elected leader or [...]

Letter to Editor: Manna Would Back Smart Development

[...] yards. Lower taxes are great, but not at the expense of the character and charm of our town. Mark Manna is endorsed by the Amherst Conservative Committee, Amherst Police Club and the Good Government [...]

Governor Cuomo Endorses Mark Manna for Amherst Supervisor

[...] common sense and trust to town government,” said Governor Cuomo. During his time on the Amherst Town Board Manna has saved taxpayers millions of dollars by self insuring the town employees [...]

Letter: Amherst is being run by wealthy developers

[...] run by developers who garner favor by the liberal dispensing of campaign donations. The Amherst Town Board, and its cabal, the Zoning and Planning boards, is in full support of the Iskalo Hyatt. And [...]

Whats that smell coming from Amherst town hall??

[...] audit and TV report shed light on shoddy record keeping. Mark Manna, candidate for Amherst Supervisor stated: “It is unacceptable for any elected leader or government official, who is [...]

Governor Cuomo Endorses Mark Manna for Amherst Supervisor

[...] “I am proud to endorse Mark A. Manna for Amherst Supervisor. He is a fighter for lower taxes and a leader in the fight for responsible development,” [...]

Governor Cuomo Endorses Mark Manna for Amherst Supervisor

[...] , Conservative and Working Families lines. He is also endorsed and supported by the Amherst Police Club, The Good Government Club of WNY, The NYS AFL-CIO, UAW, UFCW Local One, CWA, CSEA 815 and [...]

Letter to Editor: Manna Would Back Smart Development

[...] and charm of our town. Mark Manna is endorsed by the Amherst Conservative Committee, Amherst Police Club and the Good Government Club, and he was part of the town’s tax cuts and service [...]

Whats that smell coming from Amherst town hall??

[...] ’s taxpayers an explanation” WGRZ-TV: State Audit Reports Record Keeping Issues in Amherst AMHERST, NY — An audit done by the state of New York Comptrollers Office reported that the [...]

?Key Phrases
Manna and Ryan Urge Reform of 485-b Tax Exemption

[...] period. State law allows each county, city, town, village, or school district to create an advisory board for their taxing district, which can designate the types of businesses that should be [...]

Manna And Ryan Push for County Board Incentive Board

[...] State law allows each county, city, town, village, or school district to create an advisory board for their taxing district, which can designate the types of businesses that should be [...]

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