Martha Dallas
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A love-filled snuggle with a beloved pet restores our sense of calm and welness. The post Embodied Blessings appeared first on Martha Dallas.
Henry David Thoreau's act of civil disobedience inspires courage to heed the guidance of our conscience. The post Guided by Our Conscience appeared first...
A classic Unitarian Universalist story, reworked and dramatized. The post Those Weighty Grudges! appeared first on Martha Dallas.
A beloved old stuffed animal helps bring to life the wisdom from the story of The Velveteen Rabbit. The post Loving into Real appeared first on Martha...
Life's awesome moments move our spirits, so let's share! The post Blown Away! appeared first on Martha Dallas.
We experience the dance between death and life by picking and eating leaves from a potted mint plant. The post Life Touches Death appeared first on Martha...
Our voices produce audible sound, but what can we discover through the physical sensation of our own vibrations? The post Vessels of Vibration appeared...
Chicks come inherently prepared for the miraculous effort of breaking free of the confines of their shells, much like Jesus' break-out from his tomb....
Words of the 16th-century priest, Francis David, still ring true when we consider our faith - and others' - in action. The post To Love Alike appeared...
A family of birds discovers that their infectious vision of beloved community calls for building a bigger, stronger nest. The post Outgrowing Our Nest...
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[...] knowing our oneness with the wider community. The post Waves and the Ocean appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] brought into mutual warmth one cold, snowy Christmas. The post Mouse House appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] , we feel so small… their great bigness […] The post Doing Great Big Things appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] its old skin as a metaphor for growth and change. The post Shedding Our Skin appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] board game teach us about commonalities, uniquenesses, and our ultimate membership in the human family. The post A Human Family appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] in the phrase, "The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." The post The Last Are First; The First Are Last appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] ;The first shall be last, and the last shall be first." The post The Last Are First; The First Are Last appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] is restored one Christmas by an unexpected gift from its youngest member. The post The Bicker Family appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] A first-person story of Siddhartha Gautama's transformed heart in the wake of seeing suffering for the first time. The post The Power [...]
[...] Tastes and beliefs about food offer us a parallel to evolving beliefs about life's ultimate questions. [...]
[...] A TV reporter interviews the children to get a fuller understanding of what it is to play. The post What Is Play? [...]
[...] Tracing the roots of the Old Hundredth doxolgy teaches about our theological develolpment over the centuries. [...]
[...] the snake's process of shedding its old skin as a metaphor for growth and change. The post Shedding Our Skin appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] knowing our oneness with the wider community. The post Waves and the Ocean appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] brought into mutual warmth one cold, snowy Christmas. The post Mouse House appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] , we feel so small… their great bigness […] The post Doing Great Big Things appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
[...] its old skin as a metaphor for growth and change. The post Shedding Our Skin appeared first on Martha Dallas. [...]
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