Matrix Harmonics
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Close Encounters are part of our ancient history and have been recorded since the beginning of time. These encounters with beings from other places have...
Phone: 0439 947 109 Email: The cosmic energies of the new year are pushing us towards deep...
Art Psychotherapies are an important resource for Trauma Release. They offer safe access to feelings and memories, and provide positive, nurturing experiences...
As the fear and violence in our collective consciousness comes to the surface, it is time to start paying attention and developing awareness to create...
The Self Care Grief Workshops for Compassionate Friends The Self Care Grief Workshops I delivered at the weekend Retreat went very well. The weather was...
Creative Art Therapy for bereaved parents and families Compassionate Friends – Every year in November my local branch of the international organisation...
What can Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments Teach Us? Author Paulina Howfield, Sept 2015) All Stone Circles and Megalithic Monuments link into the...
Print on Demand Halloween Skull Paintings – Halloween will be here in six weeks and I have created two new images to add to the pink skull I painted last...
Meditations at Megalithic Sites are perfect for attuning to the Solstice energies and changing frequencies created by movements of the heavenly bodies...
Happy June Solstice 2015 The SUN has reached its zenith point to the celestial equator and the triggering that happens with the Solstice is at its most...
As the 21st June Solstice approaches, the heavenly bodies are getting closer to that moment in time when the SUN reaches its zenith point to the celestial...
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