Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense


Channel Reputation Rank


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last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

About 'Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense' Channel

I need fewer hobbies

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Nov, 2019Dec, 2019Jan, 2020Feb, 2020Mar, 2020Apr, 2020May, 2020Jun, 2020Jul, 2020Aug, 2020Sep, 2020Oct, 202001Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1ImagesVideosLinksTexts
? Average Article Length

Short articles, prevailing on the channel, can be a good choice for 'Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense' if they’re going to gain their audience’s sympathy with brevity. Also, there are a few medium-length pieces.



? Readability Level

'Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are articles of intermediate readability, which make up more than one third of all content on the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Matthias's Unfocused Semicoherent Nonsense has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Weekly Links – 2-11-2012

[...] that Ben Riga and I have been working on a set of sessions on building for both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Ben will be presenting these sessions for Microsoft Virtual Academy on February 21st. I [...]

Getting Started With Windows Phone 8.1

[...] If you want to get started with Windows Phone 8.1, there are 2 big options: “I’m completely new to Windows Phone development.” You need the  [...]

Windows Phone 7 Push Notifications For Beginners (Now With Testing!)

[...] I know there are about a thousand blog posts on implementing push notifications in a Windows Phone 7 application. But having now implemented push notifications a couple times into WP7 projects, [...]

Windows Phone 8 & 7.x Design Cheat Sheet

[...] . Nathalie BELVAL (@nbelval) put together this handy card for designing and developing apps for Windows Phone 7.x and Windows Phone 8. It contains all … [...]

Using Offline Maps in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. I love the offline maps [...]

Finding and Mapping a Route in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. One of the really cool and [...]

Reverse Geocoding in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. Reverse geocoding is the [...]

Calculating Distance From 2 GeoCoordinates in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. Calculating the distance [...]

Using Offline Maps in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. I [...]

Finding and Mapping a Route in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. [...]

Reverse Geocoding in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. [...]

Calculating Distance From 2 GeoCoordinates in Windows Phone 8

[...] This is a support post for the Inside Windows Phone show on location and mapping in Windows Phone 8 published here. [...]

Uploading an Image to Facebook in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

[...] the user can either select a previously taken photo or take a new one. We set the Completed event handler and show task. When the user has selected the image, we go to this event handler: For this to [...]

Reverse Geocoding in Windows Phone 8

[...] And create a new ReverseGeocodeQuery, give it a valid GeoCoordinate and set up the an event handler to manage the result. Then in our event handler we will get a result (or list of possible [...]

Finding and Mapping a Route in Windows Phone 8

[...] our route and add some locations to it. Then set up our RouteQuery object, assign an event handler so we can read the result, choose between a route for walking or driving and then assign [...]

Writing a Windows Phone App Bar in Code (CodeSnippet)

[...] The Windows Phone Application Bar is a vital ingredient to almost any Windows Phone app. While creating the app bar in XAML is a piece of cake (especially using Blend), there are a [...]

Using an AdControl in a Trial App (Windows Phone)

[...] would be nice to have it somewhere handy. Here’s the scenario: You want to put ads into your Windows Phone app, but only when it is in trial … [...]

Inside Windows Phone: Nokia Imaging SDK

[...] how to get the sample app in this video and how to integrate the Nokia Imaging SDK into your Windows Phone app. [...]

Circle Packing Algorithm in C# / XAML

[...] . This is a Universal project so the app runs as both a Windows Modern app and a Windows Phone app. [...]

HttpWebRequest (WebClient) And Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7

[...] My initial concern here was to deal with tombstoning when it comes to HTTP requests, because that issue has kicked my butt on more than one account. But the second thing you’ll [...]

HttpWebRequest (WebClient) And Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7

[...] My initial concern here was to deal with tombstoning when it comes to HTTP requests, because that issue has kicked my butt on more than one account. But the second thing you’ll [...]

Http Requests and POST for Windows Store Apps

I know this stuff, but I keep forgetting it from project to project so I figured it wouldn’t hurt anyone up here. Scenario: You want to hit an  AP [...]

Posting To The Facebook Wall in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

[...] This post assumes you’ve gone through the process of setting up the permissions for a Facebook app and getting your user to log into Facebook through your app. In short, it assumes you’ve [...]

Posting To The Facebook Wall in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

[...] This post assumes you’ve gone through the process of setting up the permissions for a Facebook app and getting your user to log into Facebook through your app. In short, it assumes you’ve [...]

Uploading an Image to Facebook in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

[...] there. This post assumes you’ve gone through the process of setting up the permissions for a Facebook app and getting your user to log into Facebook through your app. In short, it assumes you’ve [...]

Tutorial: Logging Into Facebook with Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

[...] shove our data into a FacebookUser model. Then we use BeginInvoke to bring ourselves back to the UI thread and set all the properties we want. Finally, we start the animation that hides the login data [...]

Posting To The Facebook Wall in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

[...] , set up the acync callback so we actually get something and then, finally, jump over to the UI thread so the IsLoadingMessage property bindings make our UI do what we want. So all we need to do now [...]

HttpWebRequest (WebClient) And Tombstoning in Windows Phone 7

[...] look at uses WebClient to do HTTP requests. But using WebClient can negatively affect the UI thread in Windows Phone 7, so we have to do something a little more like this: Easy enough, right? [...]

Uploading an Image to Facebook in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

This is a full-featured tutorial, walking through design, structure, UI and photo formatting. If you just want to know how to get from a Windows Phone [...]

Posting To The Facebook Wall in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

This post assumes you’ve gone through the process of setting up the permissions for a Facebook app and getting your user to log into Facebook throug [...]

Posting To The Facebook Wall in Windows Phone 7 (Silverlight)

This post assumes you’ve gone through the process of setting up the permissions for a Facebook app and getting your user to log into Facebook throug [...]

?Key Phrases
Weekly Links – 2-11-2012

[...] that Ben Riga and I have been working on a set of sessions on building for both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Ben will be presenting these sessions for Microsoft Virtual Academy on February 21st. I [...]

Getting Started With Windows Phone 8.1

[...] If you want to get started with Windows Phone 8.1, there are 2 big options: “I’m completely new to Windows Phone development.” You need the  [...]

Windows Phone 7 Push Notifications For Beginners (Now With Testing!)

[...] I know there are about a thousand blog posts on implementing push notifications in a Windows Phone 7 application. But having now implemented push notifications a couple times into WP7 projects, [...]

Windows Phone 8 & 7.x Design Cheat Sheet

[...] . Nathalie BELVAL (@nbelval) put together this handy card for designing and developing apps for Windows Phone 7.x and Windows Phone 8. It contains all … [...]

? Locations
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.2

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