Melissa Dian Chapman
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What's going on in Venezuela in a nutshell (English version) - YouTube
thelazynatural: #WCW Natural Hair Edition: Melissa. 1. Introduce yourself. My name is Melissa Dian Chapman. I’m 27 years old and I live...
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates: "Duty: Memoirs Of A Secretary At War": Gates reminds us that before the devastating footage of the gas attack...
As a society, we are pretty conflicted about mathematics. On one hand, we recognize that math has allowed us to achieve some amazing things, including...
Can You Teach Entrepreneurship? - The Takeaway: Over 5,000 Entrepreneurship courses at 2,600 colleges and universities. Over 400,000 students and members...
Thanks to all in the Lady Fulcrum network that donated to support the Activist MIllennials Project. More updates to come throughout 2014!
In-store event at Steven Alan Dallas 3205 Knox Street this Saturday, December 7, 1-5 PM. Handbag designer Clare Vivier will be in attendance, offering...
One night a young man came up to me and danced next to me and then introduced himself — I soon met his brother and the other members of his band...
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