Messages from mrhaki


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Messages from mrhaki' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Messages from mrhaki' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Messages from mrhaki' Channel

A blog about Groovy, Clojure, Java, Gradle, Micronaut, Asciidoctor and other cool developer subjects.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Medium-length materials prevail on 'Messages from mrhaki' that may be an effective tactic to grip their readers’ attention with a wider range of helpful content. There are also longer items making up more than a quarter of all articles, which can provide a deeper insight into their subjects. Moreover, there are a few short articles.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Messages from mrhaki' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains some materials of a basic readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Messages from mrhaki has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Grails Goodness: Multiple BootStraps

[...] /conf directory and the name ends with BootStrap. And we can create another bootstrap class: Code written with Grails 2.3.7. [...]

Grails Goodness: Change Response Formats in RestfulController

[...] the index and show methods and use the formats attribute when we use the respond method: Code written with Grails 2.4.2. [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: CSV and DSV Tables

[...] separated format can be in an external file): The file has the following contents: Code written with Asciidoctor 1.5.0. [...]

Gradle Goodness: Changing Name of Default Build File

[...] : Now we execute the tasks from sample.gradle without the options -b or --build-file: Code written with Gradle 2.1. [...]

Groovy Goodness: Converting Byte Array to Hex String

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Groovy Goodness: Check Configuration Property Is Set In ConfigObject

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Groovy Goodness: Pop And Push Items In a List

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Groovy Goodness: Getting All But the Last Element in a Collection with Init Meth...

In Groovy we can use the head and tail methods for a long time on Collection objects. With head we get the first element and with tail the remaining e [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Include Partial Parts from Code Samples

Writing technical documentation with Asciidoc and Asciidoctor is so much fun. Especially the include macro makes inserting changing content, like sour [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Escape Attribute References

One of the many cool features of Asciidoc is attribute substitution. We can define attributes with values and in our Asciidoc markup we reference thos [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Conditional Directive to Check If Document is On GitHub

In a previous blog post we learned about the conditional directives in Asciidoctor. Dan Allen mentioned a conditional directive that we can use to see [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Changing the FontAwesome CSS Location

To use font icons from FontAwesome we set the document attribute icons with the value font. The default link to the CSS location is https://cdnjs.clou [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Write Extensions Using Groovy (or Java)

[...] . The contents of the file is the class name of the implementation class. Let's start with the Asciidoc markup and then write an implementation to process the inline macro twitter that is used: To [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Keep Line Breaks in Paragraphs

[...] Normally when we write a paragraph in Asciidoc markup the line breaks are not preserved. Multiple lines are combined into a paragraph until an [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Changing Highlight.js Theme

[...] is a great tool for writing technical documentation. If we have source code in the Asciidoc markup we can set the document attribute source-highlighter to pigments, coderay, prettify and [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: Using Asciidoc in Tables

[...] . Let's start with a very simple table. The last cell of the first row contains some Asciidoc markup: When we transform this Asciidoctor source to HTML we see the following output: Notice that [...]

Grails Goodness: Generate Default .gitignore Or .hgignore File

We can use the integrateWith command with Grails to generate for example IDE project files and build system files. We specify via an extra argument th [...]

Grails Goodness: Extending IntegrateWith Command

We can extend the integrate-with command in Grails to generate files for a custom IDE or build system. We must add a _Events.groovy file to our Grails [...]

Grails Goodness Notebook is Published

[...] Today Grails Goodness Notebook is published. This book is an electronic publication with all blog posts about [...] I publish new Grails Goodness blog posts. [...]

Grails Goodness: Using Aliases as Command Shortcuts

In Grails we can add aliases for standard Grails commands with the alias command. For example we want to use another name for a command or combine a c [...]

Gradle Goodness: Getting More Dependency Insight

In most of our projects we have dependencies on other code, like libraries or other projects. Gradle has a nice DSL to define dependencies. Dependenci [...]

Gradle Goodness: Suppress Progress Logging

Gradle has some sophisticated progress logging on the console. For example we can see how much percentage of the building process is done. The percent [...]

Gradle Goodness: Adding Dependencies Only for Packaging to War

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Gradle Goodness: Running Groovy Scripts as Application

In a previous post we learned how to run a Java application in a Gradle project. The Java source file with a main method is part of the project and we [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: Table Column and Cell Alignment

Creating a table with Asciidoctor is a breeze. The syntax is very clear and the HTML output shows a very nice looking table. But there is also a lot o [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: Changing Table and Column Width

When we define a table in Asciidoctor the columns all have the same width and the table will the whole width of the page. Of course we can change this [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: Styling Columns and Cells in Tables

In a previous post we learned how to use Asciidoc markup in a table. The a character is just one of many styles we can define in our table. In this bl [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: Use Asciidoctor Diagram with Gradle

Since Asciidoctor 1.5.0 we can use extensions when we write AsciiDoc documents. These extensions can be written in Ruby or any JVM language. If we use [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Use Inline Icons

[...] : We can specify CSS classes using the role attribute for the macro. But together with the HTML backend and font-based icons we can also use other attributes: size, rotate and flip. The size [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Include Raw HTML

[...] If we use the HTML backend with Asciidoc we can use a passthrough block to include raw HTML in the output. The contents [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Do Not Wrap Lines in Listing or Literal Blocks

[...] a nowrap value to have horizontal scrolling instead of wrapped lines. This applies for the HTML backend when we generate the documentation. In the following markup we first use the default wrapping [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Use Link Attributes

[...] like window and role: The following HTML is generated when we use Asciidoctor with the HTML backend: Code written with Asciidoctor 0.1.4. [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Turn Section Titles Into Links

[...] over the title. The icon itself is the link to the section. Section title in generated HTML output. Hover over section title and icon is shown. Section icon is link reference. With the [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Substitute Attribute in Listing Block

[...] block in our documentation with the attribute grailsVersion in the content: When we generate HTML output we get the following result: We add now the subs attribute to our listing: The generated HTML [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Using Conditional Directives

[...] sample Asciidoc markup we see several usages of the ifdef and ifndef macros: If we generate HTML output and set and unset the intermediate and advanced document attributes we see that content is [...]

Awesome Asciidoc: Using Comments

[...] (////). The following sample markup defines Asciidoc markup with comments: When we generate HTML output we don't see any of the comments, not even in the HTML source: Written with Asciidoctor 1.5.0. [...]

Groovy Goodness: Restricting Script Syntax With SecureASTCustomizer

[...] incorporate a Domain Specific Language (DSL) in our application where the DSL is expressed in Groovy code and executed by GroovyShell. To limit the constructs that can be used in the DSL (which is [...]

Groovy Goodness: Use Builder AST Transformation for Fluent API

[...] We can customize how the fluent API is generated with different annotation parameters. In Groovy code we already can use the with method to have a clean way to set property values or use the [...]

Groovy Goodness: Closure as a Class

[...] When we write Groovy code there is a big chance we also write some closures. If we are working with collections for [...]

?Key Phrases
Grails Goodness: Multiple BootStraps

[...] /conf directory and the name ends with BootStrap. And we can create another bootstrap class: Code written with Grails 2.3.7. [...]

Grails Goodness: Change Response Formats in RestfulController

[...] the index and show methods and use the formats attribute when we use the respond method: Code written with Grails 2.4.2. [...]

Awesome Asciidoctor: CSV and DSV Tables

[...] separated format can be in an external file): The file has the following contents: Code written with Asciidoctor 1.5.0. [...]

Gradle Goodness: Changing Name of Default Build File

[...] : Now we execute the tasks from sample.gradle without the options -b or --build-file: Code written with Gradle 2.1. [...]

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