Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Open Letter to Worldwide Meda: Diane Dimond is Not an MJ Expert

[...] Dear Worldwide Media, Michael Jackson's fans are more than displeased with your choice of the "expert" special  [...]

Sabotaging a Legacy: Disproving Molestation Claims, Again

[...] Today The Mirror, a UK tabloid, broke a story stating that Michael Jackson molested numerous boys, and paid them off to keep them silent.  Other media sites have picked [...]

Blanca Francia: Truthful Facts You Need To Know

[...] website. Francia is back in the news because of the recent allegations Wade Robson made that Michael Jackson molested him, even though for two decades he claimed Jackson never touched him.  Blanca [...]

Both Sides of the Coin: Jacksons v. AEG

[...] undue risk of harm would exist because of Murray's employment, and (4) that Murray harmed Michael Jackson. In basic terms, we already know that Conrad Murray was incompetent and unfit (giving [...]

Jacksons v. AEG Live: CNN Files Renewed Application: Cameras in the Courtroom?

[...] On March 7, 2013 the judge in the Jacksons v. AEG Live trial denied CNN's request for media coverage inside the courtroom.  CNN has filed a renewed [...]

The Jacksons v AEG Trial: The Key Players

[...] A. Cahan.   Putnam pictured below. AEG Owner/Employees Philip Anschutz - Owner of AEG Live, pictured below. Tim Leiweke:  Up until recently, Leiweke held the position of president [...]

Michael Jackson, his Estate and the IRS

[...] $5 million for a condo he owned.  Michael also owed in the vicinity of $40 million to AEG Live for productions costs (unfortunately).  Why this debt is not listed on Schedule K of the [...]

Both Sides of the Coin: Jacksons v. AEG

[...] February 27, 2013 ruling, the Court stated: So we know that Katherine Jackson is claiming that AEG Live hired Murray (1), who was incompetent and unfit (2), and that AEG Live had reason to believe [...]

Dear Gene Simmons

[...] father, contacted Jackson's attorney and immediately tried to negotiate a settlement amount.  Blanca Francia, Jason Francia's mother, who was a former Neverland maid, contacted an attorney whose [...]

Blanca Francia: Truthful Facts You Need To Know

[...] Tonight, as I was googling Blanca Francia, I came across this article, titled Blanca Francia: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know.  The article surprised me because it was published two days [...]

The Michael Jackson Trust, Again

[...] was not possible.  The assets in this case could not pass directly to the beneficiaries (Katherine Jackson, and his children, Prince, Paris and Blanket) because they were held in other trusts, as [...]

The Desborough - Mann Connection

[...] FBI story. Some fans will remember that Howard Mann went into a contractual agreement with Katherine Jackson shortly after Michael died.  Katherine's book Never Can Say Goodbye, Michael's children's [...]

Neverland Protected By Williamson Act, But For How Long?

[...] were sure that Michael's half of Sony/ATV and/or MIJAC would be sold, it did not happen.  Katherine Jackson wants it to stay in the family, and I believe that the Estate will do just that.  Perhaps [...]

Both Sides of the Coin: Jacksons v. AEG

[...] in discussing them. In this February 27, 2013 ruling, the Court stated: So we know that Katherine Jackson is claiming that AEG Live hired Murray (1), who was incompetent and unfit (2), and that AEG [...]

Both Sides of the Coin: Jacksons v. AEG

[...] any payment to Murray.  They have always maintained they advanced Michael money, and that Conrad Murray was to be paid by Michael.  However, this document states that "AEG Lived denied that it [...]

The Jacksons v AEG Trial: The Key Players

[...] and Co-CEO for AEG.  Jackson's camp alleges that Phillips supervised Conrad Murray during the rehearsals of the ill fated upcoming This Is It tour.  Phillips is pictured below.  [...]

Jacksons v. AEG Live: CNN Files Renewed Application: Cameras in the Courtroom?

[...] of the most famous entertainers that ever lived."  The attorneys for CNN state that the Conrad Murray trial "was watched by millions of people as it was broadcast and streamed by media [...]

Three Agreements between Michael Jackson and Tohme

[...] 1.  In early 2008, Jackson started looking for someone to refinance the loan on Neverland Ranch.  While acting as a consultant for Colony Capital AND as Jackson's business advisor, [...]

Blanca Francia: Truthful Facts You Need To Know

[...] "Blanca Francia  was Michael Jackson's maid during the 1980s and early 1990s at his Neverland ranch. She left his staff in 1991, of her own accord, now she has emerged as a key player in Wade [...]

Sabotaging a Legacy: Disproving Molestation Claims, Again

[...] that Jackson was "terrified the parents of boys who spent the night with him at Neverland Ranch might go to the cops or expose him in the media, the desperate singer hired 'private [...]

Dear Gene Simmons

[...] ? Thirdly, and as stated above, the second accuser's mother was a former maid at Neverland Ranch.  What most people do not understand is that Blanca Francia was fired for theft.  Two [...]

Open Letter: Tired of the Schemes: Michael Jackson Fans Scream for Justice

A few days ago a British tabloid published a ‘breaking’ headline that stated Michael Jackson allegedly paid at least two dozen boys to keep quiet [...]

Three Agreements between Michael Jackson and Tohme

[...] Just about a year ago, both the Estate of Michael Jackson and Tohme Tohme filed lawsuits against each other.  As the lawsuits near trial, it's important that all Michael [...]

The Jacksons v AEG Trial: The Key Players

[...] called to testify, she will instruct him to plead the 5th in order to avoid self incrimination. Tohme Tohme: Michael Jackson's "business manager" (and I use that term loosely for Mr. Tohme) [...]

The Desborough - Mann Connection

[...] Katherine Jackson.  A twitterthon was held in protest of Mann, and the image below shows that MJ fans clearly disliked and disapproved of Mann. The majority of Michael's fans feel there is no [...]

The Jacksons v AEG Trial: The Key Players

[...] , Palazuelos presided over a case that claimed that Marlon Brando's will was fake. Attorneys Jackson attorneys:  Kevin Boyle and Brian Panish from the law firm Panish, Shea and Boyle.  Kevin [...]

?Key Phrases
Open Letter to Worldwide Meda: Diane Dimond is Not an MJ Expert

[...] Dear Worldwide Media, Michael Jackson's fans are more than displeased with your choice of the "expert" special  [...]

Sabotaging a Legacy: Disproving Molestation Claims, Again

[...] Today The Mirror, a UK tabloid, broke a story stating that Michael Jackson molested numerous boys, and paid them off to keep them silent.  Other media sites have picked [...]

Blanca Francia: Truthful Facts You Need To Know

[...] website. Francia is back in the news because of the recent allegations Wade Robson made that Michael Jackson molested him, even though for two decades he claimed Jackson never touched him.  Blanca [...]

Both Sides of the Coin: Jacksons v. AEG

[...] undue risk of harm would exist because of Murray's employment, and (4) that Murray harmed Michael Jackson. In basic terms, we already know that Conrad Murray was incompetent and unfit (giving [...]

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