Miller Moments
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When you have to celebrate your birthday during a pandemic, and it's unsafe to have friends over for a party, you have to get creative. I decided to...
I wish there was a way to capture the sounds, smells, and feelings of a magical Christmas morning, but since I can't, these photos will have to do. Some...
We started getting ready to celebrate the Christmas season the day after Thanksgiving by searching for, selecting, and cutting down the perfect Christmas...
For the past 14 years, Thanksgiving has always been hard for me. Since we live so incredibly far away from my family, we basically never get to have...
The first weekend of November, we were blessed with the most glorious, warm fall weather. It was above 70 degrees and perfect. So, naturally we headed...
As you can see, Everly's hair had grown quite a bit since her one and only haircut just over a year before. She was back to sitting on it, and having...
After such a crazy year, Halloween felt almost normal. Krew wanted to be a bird again (this was his costume in 2017 as well), since it was his favorite...
It's not fun for kids to celebrate their birthday during a pandemic either. Not being able to have a party, or even celebrate with your class at school...
Bart turned 40! Let me just say that it is a huge bummer to have such a huge milestone birthday during a pandemic. He's been planning for years to go...
We're getting more used to doing school virtually again. One of the benefits of doing school from home is having siblings to play your math games with...
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[...] night in the nursery. The next day he got to move into the big boys' room to make room for baby sister. So far, three kids in the same room has gone fairly well. New parks always make us smile! [...]
[...] , he took everywhere he went. All on his own, he decided he wanted to bring it to his new baby sister. The boys had also picked out a little Minnie Mouse for her. I love Kade's face in the above [...]
[...] twins didn't want to come see me, because they weren't allowed to go in the NICU to see their baby sister, and apparently I alone wasn't worth the visit :) The scariest point in all of this was [...]
[...] to be her mom! These two are going to be so much fun to watch growing up. Krew just loves his baby sister! [...]
[...] The night before my 20 week ultrasound, we all guessed whether we thought baby Boots is a boy or a girl. (Baby Boots is the name we have been calling this little one for the past [...]
[...] that the physical communication between us is our own special secret. Once we found out that Baby Boots was a girl, it put me into full project mode. I designed and decorated her nursery, made hair [...]
[...] was perfect, and more than I could have hoped for. Plus, there was so much pink! Me and Baby Boots at 35 weeks, at our gorgeous shower! We ate yummy food, played a few fun, silly games, [...]
[...] , trying days of my whole life. (Don't worry, there's a happy ending!) We love you sweet Baby Boots! [...]
[...] , we styled her hair curly, thought she looked like a Christmas present, so we added a bow! Christmas Eve was spent at our friends' house, eating a delicious dinner, a yummy cake, and watching the [...]
[...] Ky talk about how excited they are to open their jammies on Christmas Eve, and how even though they know they are going to get jammies, they don't know what kind of [...]
[...] an outhouse behind his house. Sometimes my kids are too creative for their own good! On Christmas Eve, we went to Bart's parents' house for some delicious soup and to act out the Nativity. Krew [...]
[...] really good at creating illustrated stories on the computer!) What is your favorite movie? Tron Legacy (This has been his favorite movie for years!) Who is the coolest person [...]
[...] -type sketch comedy. It's clean and hilarious! Check it out on YouTube). ~What's your favorite movie? Big Hero 6 ~What's your favorite subject at school? Reading ~What is your favorite [...]
[...] those circumstances was a bit daunting. But, we were able to get out and do some fun things, the boys helped me get some things done, and they were very understanding of my need [...]
[...] The week leading up to Christmas was full of lots of fun things. It finally was warmish (above 25 degrees) so we went sledding! Kade and Ky were more [...]
[...] still don't know!), Ky went first because Kade always makes Ky go first. Always. Some fun things about each of them, according to themselves: Ky: What is your favorite food? Burgers [...]
[...] , happy, and oh so handsome! I'm glad they are mine! Their birthday was filled with fun things! Bart took them to play laser tag in the afternoon. They got to open a few presents, [...]
[...] little shops, but we were a bit worn out, so we didn't stay long. We did decide to have some ice cream from Ghiradelli, again with an amazing view from our table! And because two lobster tails wasn' [...]
[...] the alpine slide! All three boys got to ride it, and of course they all loved it! #20. Ice cream at the Dairy Keen in Heber! #21. Sleeping in the car on the way home from Park City. I [...]
[...] how beautiful she is! Later that evening, we had a few friends over for cheesecake and ice cream with lots of different toppings to celebrate our tiny girl and her special day! It [...]
[...] 't get them any birthday presents, we didn't have a party, and other than some cake and ice cream, we didn't do anything special to celebrate their birthday. We are going to wait a few [...]
[...] Being the huge Gators fan that he is, when Bart found out that their basketball team was going to play in the same state that we live in, he knew that for his birthday, all he [...]
[...] up with the team name, but Kade and Ky were not too thrilled about being named after a basketball team. Didn't matter what they were called though, their team was good! We often won by a [...]
[...] night in the nursery. The next day he got to move into the big boys' room to make room for baby sister. So far, three kids in the same room has gone fairly well. New parks always make us smile! [...]
[...] , he took everywhere he went. All on his own, he decided he wanted to bring it to his new baby sister. The boys had also picked out a little Minnie Mouse for her. I love Kade's face in the above [...]
[...] twins didn't want to come see me, because they weren't allowed to go in the NICU to see their baby sister, and apparently I alone wasn't worth the visit :) The scariest point in all of this was [...]
[...] to be her mom! These two are going to be so much fun to watch growing up. Krew just loves his baby sister! [...]
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