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According to a survey, 50% of AI researchers believe there is a 10% or greater chance of humans going extinct due to our inability to control AI. In the...
Ik dacht ik vraag het eerst even aan ChatGPT. Dit leidde tot 1750 woorden. Iets te veel voor het artikel, dus helaas moest ik nog snijden, maar onderstaand...
2022 was a year of growth and development for Kinder, as we focused on building our first partnerships and prototyping our services. As the founder of...
These are the topics of this podcast from My Daddy Talks.If you are a father and want to learn more from other fathers on how they deal with opportunities...
If you want to receive our deck or set a meeting, please answer the following questions (less than 1 min)? I'll reach out to you asap.
Today, we're very proud to share our Kinder Appeals with you. We're closing off this hard year with good news that will uplift the charitable sector and...
Today, we're very proud to share our Kinder United Actions with you. We're closing off this hard year with good news that will uplift the charitable sector...
We've developed a quick and dirty version of the Kinder Badge.Vetted and approved organisations can easily embed the badges on their websites and show...
It all started as an idea for an iPhone App. What Tinder is for dating, Kinder is for donating. The app allowed you to swipe through charitable organisations...
The interviews are part of a documentary to make the tragedy which took place in the night of September 10th more personal. Reading about the 13.000 inhabitants...
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