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@timtim wrote: Hi all, I currently realized I had a couple K$ of credits on AWS to use up in the next 2 months and I wanted to try mining. I know that...
@alinaut wrote: Hi, Building a mining rig requires time, money and knowledge. That is why I'm looking to alternative. For example I've invested 37.5...
@bappa wrote: ** We BetByBitcoin happy to announce our first Monero Mining Pool ** Monero Mining Pool We started Monero Mining Pool to beta today...
@Mining-Pool wrote: Hi fellow miners, I would just like introduce myself to the forum, I have been mining many coins for a while now and have decided...
@zaledia wrote: Hello, I developed a web site that allows users to receive free email alerts when Monero price meet a certain price condition (based...
@masxter wrote: What miner would you recommend for mining on a Web Page? Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
@L30n1d4s wrote: Hello. I am currently running a monerod node on a VPS that's run by Linux Ubuntu 16.04. I connect to it through Putty. It's synced,...
@jojko9 wrote: hello guys anyone know if is possible mining monero coins with antminer s3? Posts: 2 Participants: 2 Read full topic
@fhkilvington wrote: I've got 5 c7000 enclosures with no. 80 bl2x220c G7's (2 servers per blade so 160) and 114 SL2X170Z G6 (again 2 per blade) and I...
@pampoen wrote: I am in the process of building a rig that pushes 50MH/s I have been running the numbers through a few calculators like https://minergate...
@B4rzy wrote: A new Monero Coin XMR Pool is finally launched! At this url you can stat to mine: We are looking for professional...
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[...] , we've now secured two market maker contracts and are ready to launch XMR on the most advanced exchange on the market. The reaction to our latest news is plain to see - the exchange rate for [...]
[...] Maker contracts, XMR has finally been added to Hitbtc. As you already know, we are the most advanced exchange on the market and are trying continually to develop our services. That’s why now we are [...]
[...] running as of 18 July and will end on 1 August. We invite all XMR traders to try the most advanced exchange - enjoy trading! Feel free to get in touch with us with any questions or suggestions. Posts: [...]
policydoge wrote: Hey guys, I installed the new 11 june win64 binaries(just copy pasted over my old ones, like I mostly do) and I try to start bitmo [...]
[...] mindless wrote: Hi Everyone, I want to introduce to you a new monero mining pool: Our goal is to provide the most efficient and [...]
[...] noclaymorefee wrote: Welcome to the new monero mining pool For users of Claymore's miner: our pool have an option to [...]
[...] hitbtc wrote: Hello! Hitbtc team here! Now that we've signed Market Maker contracts, XMR has finally been added to Hitbtc. As [...]
[...] hitbtc wrote: Hello! The HitBTC team would like to announce 0% fees for all XMR traders. This campaign is already running as of 18 [...]
[...] commence trading on Hitbtc! In response to our appeal, we've now secured two market maker contracts and are ready to launch XMR on the most advanced exchange on the market. The [...]
[...] hitbtc wrote: Hello! Hitbtc team here! Now that we've signed Market Maker contracts, XMR has finally been added to Hitbtc. As you already know, we are the most advanced [...]
[...] , we've now secured two market maker contracts and are ready to launch XMR on the most advanced exchange on the market. The reaction to our latest news is plain to see - the exchange rate for [...]
[...] Maker contracts, XMR has finally been added to Hitbtc. As you already know, we are the most advanced exchange on the market and are trying continually to develop our services. That’s why now we are [...]
[...] running as of 18 July and will end on 1 August. We invite all XMR traders to try the most advanced exchange - enjoy trading! Feel free to get in touch with us with any questions or suggestions. Posts: [...]
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