Monkey on a plane!
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So you finally decided to visit Japan but you don’t know where to visit in Japan. Well luckily, we have some monkeys stationed in Japan so we’ll try to...
Some time has passed since our last blogpost. Today I have post that is long overdue. In December I took a flight that took me across the Atlantic. I...
I realize this post might a bit late but here is a short piece on Halloween in Osaka 2014! If you are in Osaka during Halloween you basically got two...
Europe is kind of amazing when you think about it. So many countries so close together. It’s not that difficult to get around and see a lot of different...
Are you visiting New York City anytime soon? Then you might want to watch this video first so you know how to behave. The post NYC Tourist Tips appeared...
Alright, it’s time for me to type up my second entry here on Monkey on a Plane. I hope you will bear me as I’m still discovering my writing style. In...
A girl Ella had been living in Australia for the past 3 months. During a Skype-call she her boyfriend that she misses him. This leads to a surprise visit...
I had recently finished High school when I decided to visit Japan for the first time together with a childhood friend. As a person that has been brought...
Today we start our journey together to create a fresh and friendly place for people from around the world. Monkey on a plane! – is meant to be a relaxed...
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I had recently finished High school when I decided to visit Japan for the first time together with a childhood friend. As a person that has been broug [...]
Alright, it’s time for me to type up my second entry here on Monkey on a Plane. I hope you will bear me as I’m still discovering my writing style [...]
[...] After spending time in cultural Kyoto and a brief visit in Osaka we took a flight from Kansai International Airport to Naha (Okinawa). We spent 5 days in Okinawa relaxing on different beaches and [...]
[...] our bad luck continued. We had to take a flight to Okinawa so we headed for Kansai International Airport. I can’t remember why but somehow we took a late evening (midnight) train. [...]
[...] pass. Route: Tokyo – Kyoto – Osaka – Naha (Okinawa) – Tokyo When we left Tokyo took the bullet train to Kyoto. During our stay in Kyoto we also visited Osaka. The travel time between the [...]
[...] in Tokyo very briefly. In this entry I’ll talk about Kyoto and Osaka for a bit. We took the bullet train (Shinkansen) from Tokyo to Kyoto. Traveling is a very easy and comfortable way to travel. The [...]
[...] the express train to Tokyo. Here we spent a few days before setting off using our Japanese rail pass and Japanese fly pass. Route: Tokyo – Kyoto – Osaka – Naha (Okinawa) – Tokyo When [...]
[...] of is that the fare is rather expensive. However before we left for Japan we bought a Japanese rail pass, this is a big money saver for the one who is going to be covering some distance in [...]
Alright, it’s time for me to type up my second entry here on Monkey on a Plane. I hope you will bear me as I’m still discovering my writing style [...]
[...] . The travel time between the two cities is only about 30 minutes. After spending time in cultural Kyoto and a brief visit in Osaka we took a flight from Kansai International Airport to Naha ( [...]
[...] we took a flight from Kansai International Airport to Naha (Okinawa). We spent 5 days in Okinawa relaxing on different beaches and visiting some smaller islands. When we were done with the easy life [...]
[...] anytime soon? Then you might want to watch this video first so you know how to behave. The post NYC Tourist Tips appeared first on Monkey on a plane!. [...]
[...] leads to a surprise visit from her England based boyfriend. And best of all the boyfriend Jackson Harries made a short movie starting with their Skype-call and ending when he is outside [...]
I had recently finished High school when I decided to visit Japan for the first time together with a childhood friend. As a person that has been broug [...]
Alright, it’s time for me to type up my second entry here on Monkey on a Plane. I hope you will bear me as I’m still discovering my writing style [...]
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