More or Less CrUnChY


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'More or Less CrUnChY' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'More or Less CrUnChY' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'More or Less CrUnChY' Channel

A mothers journey in becoming crunchy;natural birthing,breastfeeding,co-sleeping,baby-wearing,cloth diapering,preserving...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1Nov, 2013Dec, 2013Jan, 2014Feb, 2014Mar, 2014Apr, 2014May, 2014Jun, 2014Jul, 2014Aug, 2014Sep, 2014Oct, 2014012345Show all
? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsLinksVideosImages
? Average Article Length

'More or Less CrUnChY' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'More or Less CrUnChY' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'More or Less CrUnChY' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately More or Less CrUnChY has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

The Freebirth of Marlena

[...] birth. *I read and focused on the affirmations that were taped to my wall next to my ready birth pool. *I wasn't coming from a place of fear or doubt....I just wanted peace so that I could be ready [...]

What I used for my Freebirth

[...] FreeBirthing women to see what I used. *Note: You can see my full birth kit HERE I used: {My birth pool-La Bassine from $170 including liner and cover (didn't use cover) saving for [...]

What's in my Homebirth Kit?

[...] need all the items that came in it. So,here are my BASIC ESSENTIALS for my birth. La Bassine Birth pool (not shown-liner and cover) A 25 foot drinking water safe hose and a battery operated [...]

You just had a baby...why aren't you happy?

[...] time. It's cultural abuse. I am calling it what it is. Women alone are not to blame for postpartum depression. I am tired of hearing that it's merely emotionally,psychologically or hormonally driven [...]

My Placenta Encapsulation Experience

[...] hormones. A few things you should know about me- I am a vegetarian I have suffered from Postpartum Depression in the past I was willing to do almost anything to avoid that experience again Somehow,the [...]

Top 5 Newborn Routine Procedures to Reconsider + Bonuses!

[...] for mom and baby in nearly every situation,many care providers still clamp and cut the umbilical cord immediately following delivery. This is not an evidence based practice and is NOT beneficial [...]

What's in my Homebirth Kit?

[...] ; scale to weight the baby. (also pictured is the braided embroidery floss for tying off the umbilical cord) Postpartum Herbal Bath Foot printing kit and keepsake NOT PICTURED: 4-5 large towels 3-4 [...]

The Freebirth of Marlena

[...] says.That.Was.Cool. 1:25 AM- We decided that things would be a lot easier if we cut the umbilical cord. It had been an hour since Marlena was born and the cord was flat and white. Matt retrieved [...]

So you want to Freebirth

[...] other people would choose unassisted birth,please consider digging up some information on physiologic birth,birth hormones and unhindered birth. If you can't do that much and still wish to share your [...]

You just had a baby...why aren't you happy?

[...] hours after birth) which directly effect the re-connection of mother and baby. In a truly physiologic birth,mama and baby are able to experience the natural effects of the birth hormones,leading to a [...]

The Problem with Attachment Parenting

[...] to what some folks define as "Crunchy" or "Granola"-people who cloth diaper,homebirth,use all natural products,homeschool etc. Maybe it seems a bit unorthodox [...]

Offended by Default

[...] judging women who cannot or choose not. If you wear your baby,you judge the stroller pusher;cloth diaper,shame the sposie user;bedshare,cribs are evil. You get the picture. And if you actually give [...]

The Freebirth of Marlena

[...] Matt wasn't thrilled with the idea of meddling with the placenta,so since I was standing up on a chux pad I asked Matt to hand me the aluminum roasting pan I had ready to put the placenta in. I am [...]

What I used for my Freebirth

[...] blankets-Already had. Plastic/disposable bed cover-Came with birth kit.Could use a drop cloth or chux pad instead. Sterilized scissors-Already had.Sharp kitchen shears,boiled/wiped down with rubbing [...]

Birth Remedy Kit from ReignBow Review

 ReignBow mini review/coupon code I paid for the products with my own money.The views I express are m [...]

What I used for my Freebirth

[...] ($2) *I also used my exercise/birth ball for a good part of my labor($12-15) *I also had my birth remedy kit from Reignbow birth-and although I didn't use it-and doubted I would need it-it was nice to [...]

You just had a baby...why aren't you happy?

[...] truly physiologic birth,mama and baby are able to experience the natural effects of the birth hormones,leading to a happier and healthier connection. EXPECTATIONS The laundry can wait.The [...]

So you want to Freebirth

[...] choose unassisted birth,please consider digging up some information on physiologic birth,birth hormones and unhindered birth. If you can't do that much and still wish to share your opinion,please [...]

What's in my Homebirth Kit?

The birth of our 5th baby is just a couple of months away! I decided to do a birth kit post to show you what I have for our birth. I had purchased a [...]

My Placenta Encapsulation Experience

[...] aren't as extreme. I don't get "placenta burps" like I've heard about. Out of my placenta Janice was able to get 94 size "00"-which is a fairly large pill. Encapsulation is a [...]

?Key Phrases
The Freebirth of Marlena

[...] birth. *I read and focused on the affirmations that were taped to my wall next to my ready birth pool. *I wasn't coming from a place of fear or doubt....I just wanted peace so that I could be ready [...]

What I used for my Freebirth

[...] FreeBirthing women to see what I used. *Note: You can see my full birth kit HERE I used: {My birth pool-La Bassine from $170 including liner and cover (didn't use cover) saving for [...]

What's in my Homebirth Kit?

[...] need all the items that came in it. So,here are my BASIC ESSENTIALS for my birth. La Bassine Birth pool (not shown-liner and cover) A 25 foot drinking water safe hose and a battery operated [...]

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