Motivational Speaker Kevin Hogan
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The Motivational Speaker's Greatest Resource? Half of the Motivational Speaker's audience is women and women control the emotional tone of each and every...
Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make in the Workplace by Kevin Hogan 1) Not giving enough feedback. Constructive...not destructive criticism that intends to...
For the truly excellent motivational speaker, Covert Hypnosis 2020 is an exciting new resource to make you even better. Worth checking out.
KEYPOINT: In reality, you and I buy very few things for rational reasons. Instead, we buy things (especially those "spur of the moment" impulse items...
1. The Principle of EMOTION One of the reasons people make purchases is because of emotion. Emotions like... * FEAR: Fear of gaining weight. Fear...
What's one of the most important things to know before giving a Persuasive Selling Presentation? Understanding what motivates people to buy and then...
Criticism: Attacking someone’s personality or character, usually with blame, instead of attacking a specific behavior. Hostility: To be antagonistic...
Experiment 4: Priming and the Brain I showed half the group the name "Benjamin Franklin." I showed half the group the name "Bill Gates." Then I said...
Experiment 2: Get Them Calculating Next I had people speak out loud the answers to these: 1+1 is... 2+2 is... 4+4 is ... 8+8 is... 16+ 16 is... 32 ...
What is the Secret? The secret is in understanding how minds and bodies are controlled by specific stimuli or not. But, there's more. The secret is...
How would you like to be able to: Cause people to make certain decisions instead of others, or Simply say the right thing and have it trigger crucial...
Unfortunately Motivational Speaker Kevin Hogan has no news yet.
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[...] The Motivational Speaker's Greatest Resource? Half of the Motivational Speaker's audience is women and women control the emotional tone of each and every audience. [...]
Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make in the Workplace by Kevin Hogan 1) Not giving enough feedback. Constructive...not destructive criticism that intends to [...]
[...] impossibility, all things being equal...but all things weren't equal. I don't have psychic powers.... I simply know how to control the mind (mine and my client's). The brain is made up of [...]
[...] , tell them what happened in their past...with precision. And they literally think that psychic powers are possible because Kevin has them...(but I don't - no more than you do!). Can You [...]
[...] 3. In an audience of 500 the odds of that happening are millions to one. Absolute proof of psychic powers and connections with the people. Psychic influence at it's best? It's no such thing. People, [...]
[...] OUTCOME BASED THINKING When effectively participating in interpersonal communication, a key element on your part is that of outcome based thinking. Outcome based thinking [...]
[...] way to work through the muddle of past experiences and negative emotional triggers. Interpersonal communication includes at least the following elements: A transmitter. Someone who wants to " [...]
[...] INTRODUCTORY INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION EXERCISES Silence- Sit across from your partner at a distance of 18-48 inches. For two [...]
[...] and the effects you are having on those around you. To Be Continued... Meanwhile visit Kevin Hogan's Website. [...]
[...] first event) there is the possibility of a solution for them to take a "chance" on Kevin Hogan. Emotion has already been triggered and will continue to be fed throughout the remainder of our [...]
[...] Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make in the Workplace by Kevin Hogan 1) Not giving enough feedback. Constructive...not destructive criticism that intends to improve [...]
[...] what helps the other person feel more at ease with you. > >More Articles on Persuasion Body Language Communication >Relationships [...]
[...] of why people buy. There are seven. To Be Continued... > >More Articles on Persuasion Body Language Communication >Relationships [...]
[...] 've covered so far. We make purchases in large part because of... ...7 Principles of Persuasive Selling Presentations. They are... The Principle of Emotion The Principle of Value The Principle of [...]
What's one of the most important things to know before giving a Persuasive Selling Presentation? Understanding what motivates people to buy and then [...]
[...] VALUES DETERMINATION MODEL "What is most important thing to you about X?" (Buying a house, choosing a [...]
[...] communicator. Discovering the values of others can be accomplished by using the values determination model below. A few simple questions of your fellow communicator will help you learn what is [...]
[...] is a wonderful real estate trainer who works on the east coast. And he was one of our Boot Camp participants. A question came up about "talking to the dead", and "telling a person [...]
[...] are missing...everything!) Experiment 1: You First I had all the Influence: Boot Camp participants watch me closely. When I "wrote" the numbers 1,2,3,4 high in the air with my [...]
[...] The Argumentative Communicator Do you enjoy playing the devil's advocate? Are you constantly offering your opposing [...]
[...] , Lott called Bush, and his office issued a statement saying the president was right. "Senator Lott agrees with President Bush that his words were wrong and he is sorry," said Lott [...]
[...] The Motivational Speaker's Greatest Resource? Half of the Motivational Speaker's audience is women and women control the emotional tone of each and every audience. [...]
Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make in the Workplace by Kevin Hogan 1) Not giving enough feedback. Constructive...not destructive criticism that intends to [...]
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