Musing Mortoray
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Despite my skepticism about AI, I see its coming value. What is commonly called “AI” I see mostly as stats on steroids. A few moments with ChatGPT has...
Variables contain values with types, but what uses this information, and when? In this article I look at how languages use type information, in particular...
Structural typing is a concept in coding where we primarily consider the shape of a type, its properties and methods, instead of the name of the type...
At Uncountable, we use a common client-server architecture of Python on the backend and JavaScript on the front. As the project grew we moved away from...
I like puzzles, and I like the puzzle of writing code to generate puzzles. Binairos are something I’d seen recently, and seemed like a simple enough starting...
UI layout calculations are slow. This is the nature of a responsive system which allows bidirectional size constraints, like basically any decent layout...
I chose Unity as it’s one of the top tools for game development, and I was growing frustrated with the limitation of my previous tools: an HTML/SVG game...
My next game has players rescuing metal bands stranded in a forest, trying to get the best possible photos. It’s a puzzle game. The key game mechanic...
Redux offers a state-based approach to storing data, yet can be an unwieldy tool in many situations. The good news is: React hooks make it simple to build...
Upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 brought along a frustrating bug: every time I switch monitors on my KVM, or when the system comes out of power saving, my monitor...
I had the urge to make a Halloween game. Taking the weekend, which amounts to 16 hours over three days in my schedule, I embarked on a personal game jam...
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