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What’s the Reason for Crop Circles. The mystery of crop circles is ongoing and no one knows definitely why they exist. Due to the exact precision of...
Faith Healing, Psychic Healing and Spiritual Healing: Same or Different?.
Hiking the Camino With a Difference. You might have heard of the hike across northern Spain called the Camio de Santiago, a 500 mile journey that people...
If you don't know about the country, Bhutan then you are in for a treat. Perhaps you have heard of the book, Shangri la. Bhutan is supposed to be the...
Artist's concept of how the stones may have looked before being buried. On September 7, 2015 researchers discovered another set of giant stones near...
Most of us have heard about the small kingdom of Bhutan located near Nepal and India. A few people know that it is expensive to go there and a bit difficult...
It is a fact that an increasing number of people are now experiencing various forms of spiritual awakening today. This is not the stories of the Bible...
Want to progress in your spiritual knowledge? Of course you can join a local class or development group, read books on the topic or meditate on the subject...
Have you ever had a mystical experience, something out of the ordinary, something you can't explain and different from "normal" reality? An increasing...
Here is a great prophesy for the year ahead. Not sure it was actually written by the elders at Oraibi but I plan to find out. Please enjoy. "A Message...
Tired already of the cold and wet of northern winters? Perhaps a jaunt to a much warmer place is what you are looking for. Here's a resort with adventure...
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