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Mother Nature seems to have many ways to accost us. The slideshow above is just a little amongst the abundance. [skd]
Mother Nature seems to have many ways to accost us. The slideshow above is just a little amongst the abundance. [skd]
The holy fasting month for the Moslems is coming. It’s Ramadan 1430 H. After a year of common life, today they have to retreat from lusty way of life...
The holy fasting month for the Moslems is coming. It’s Ramadan 1430 H. After a year of common life, today they have to retreat from lusty way of...
I wish I could tell you the vibration of this Javanese song "Kupu Kuwi", hoping that you could feel the cheerful atmosphere brought by the gamelan music...
Flower - Laudes, originally uploaded by BornJavanese. Morning still reserves new things to receive. The show comes from blossoming flowers under the...
Flower - Laudes, originally uploaded by BornJavanese. Morning still reserves new things to receive. The show comes from blossoming flowers under the...
Serangga bertanduk - Weird insect, originally uploaded by BornJavanese Download: 900*700. Get closer! and you will find more than when you stay away...
Serangga bertanduk - Weird insect, originally uploaded by BornJavanese Download: 900*700. Get closer! and you will find more than when you stay away...
Tarian semut, originally uploaded by BornJavanese. Download: 1024*384 Look at this ant! It's dancing! Even an ant is capable of dancing as charming as...
Tarian semut, originally uploaded by BornJavanese. Download: 1024*384 Look at this ant! It's dancing! Even an ant is capable of dancing as charming as...
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