Nadeem Afana's blog
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How Kerberos Keys Are Generated A Keytab file is a way to store your passwords so that you can authenticate to Kerberos services without typing your...
Cryptographic functions Afana.Cryptography Nuget package is meant to be a complementary set to the .NET Framework. It is not a replacement. It is still...
I was looking for an AES CTS .NET implementation but could not find any. The .NET Framework has an enumeration value for CTS; however, the framework throws...
I recently installed a new version of Windows 10 and noticed that Windows Calculator interface has changed dramatically. I personally didn't like. It...
Nonblocking programming can provide performance benefits over locking, but getting it done right is significantly harder and requires careful testing...
Download code In this post, I will show a technique on how to localize and use strings on the client-side based on the previous article ASP.NET MVC Internationalization...
Download code It would be nice if a web site can show dates and times local to the region where the visitor is located instead of server location...
Extension methods are a compiler trick which allows static methods to be called using instance methods syntax. They are so convenient that LINQ is essentially...
Download code! In the previous post, ASP.NET MVC 5 Internationalization, I showed how to store the localization strings in ResX files. There is no technical...
.NET Framework 4.0 has introduced some new types. Some of them are not popular like Tuple. A tuple is a generic type that holds different elements, each...
A Task represents an asynchronous operation. Managing threads is a tedious job. Tasks provide more features than threads such as continuation. They also...
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