Ness's Blog


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Ness's Blog' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Ness's Blog' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Ness's Blog' Channel

A little bit about me, my life, and my latest scrapbooking and cardmaking endeavours ...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Ness's Blog' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Ness's Blog' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Ness's Blog' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Ness's Blog has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

A double woohoo for a double layout!!

[...] some more and see what else I can come up with! I'm still waiting on my sneak peek from Leanne Stamatellos from our photo shoot last week too, but as soon as I hear about it (hopefully this weekend), [...]

Here's my layout pic ...

[...] ... I'm going to try again and upload the pic of the first layout I did using one of Leanne Stamatellos' beautiful photos .... here goes! Having a little bit of scrapping inspiration of late too, [...]

Finally, another layout to show you ...

[...] HAD to do something with this fabulous photo of my boys from the photoshoot with Leanne Stamatellos.   And also I just love using Kraft cardstock ... I think it makes the colours in [...]

We're all famous -

[...] Hello again - Browing through all the Facebook newsfeeds last night, and noticed that Leanne Stamatellos now has her very own website (and what a fabulous job her designer has done, too!)  ... and [...]

Yay - another layout done ...

[...] pack of Fancy Pants papers - the "That Boy" range - lovely muted boy colours on Kraft cardstock ... right up my alley! Anyway, only one pic to show you tonight - whipped this up during the [...]

Finally, another layout to show you ...

[...] photo of my boys from the photoshoot with Leanne Stamatellos.   And also I just love using Kraft cardstock ... I think it makes the colours in the photo really pop out at you. Anyway, here 'tis! I'm [...]

I love my camera ....

[...] there you go ... can you tell I just LOVE my camera?   My full-day photography course with Mark Gray Photography is coming up soon .... here's the link if you're interested - looks like he's put his [...]

What a fabulous day of photography ...

[...] I finally had the chance to go on my full day photography tour of Melbourne with Mark Gray Photography.    And what a fabulous day it was!  My good friend Brooke came along for the day, [...]

A couple of quick cards to show you ...

[...] to get some good shots.   And I've signed up for a seven-week Digital SLR Camera course at Box Hill TAFE which starts at the end of July, which will be great - really looking forward how to REALLY [...]

So much has been happening in my world ...

[...] , rollerskating, go-karting, dinners out, and I've started a 7-week photography course at Box Hill TAFE - we've been sooo busy! Here's a pic of all the girls from my table at the trivia night - we [...]

Feeling a bit like the family taxi ...

[...] challenge over at Scrapchat - And I'm currently putting the finishing touches to a double layout I started on the weekend when Nick had taken the boys away camping ... it's almost [...]

A double woohoo for a double layout!!

Hello again - I had a little bit more inspiration last night and completed another layout - this time, it's a double, and I've managed to put 7 photo [...]

The CD has arrived ...

[...] Hello all! Very excited tonight, as I checked my letterbox today, and the CD from Leanne Stamatellos Photography had arrived (packaged beautifully, I might add  - of course!). Here are a few more [...]

Woohoo! Finally, a Fiji photo layout ...

[...] name it!   Free babysitting during happy hour - perfect! I'm looking through some more Fiji pics now, so I'll hopefully have some more to show soon. That's all for now - hope you've had [...]

Woohoo! Finally, a Fiji photo layout ...

I know, I know ... it's only taken me just over 2 months, but I have finally scrapped one of the MANY photos that we took in Fiji. I really like this [...]

Proud as punch ...

[...] moment .... I'm very impressed with the clarity in the following pics - given that they're hand-held photos, AND using a lens that doesn't have Image Stabilisation - when I zoom right in, there's so [...]

?Key Phrases
A double woohoo for a double layout!!

[...] some more and see what else I can come up with! I'm still waiting on my sneak peek from Leanne Stamatellos from our photo shoot last week too, but as soon as I hear about it (hopefully this weekend), [...]

Here's my layout pic ...

[...] ... I'm going to try again and upload the pic of the first layout I did using one of Leanne Stamatellos' beautiful photos .... here goes! Having a little bit of scrapping inspiration of late too, [...]

Finally, another layout to show you ...

[...] HAD to do something with this fabulous photo of my boys from the photoshoot with Leanne Stamatellos.   And also I just love using Kraft cardstock ... I think it makes the colours in [...]

We're all famous -

[...] Hello again - Browing through all the Facebook newsfeeds last night, and noticed that Leanne Stamatellos now has her very own website (and what a fabulous job her designer has done, too!)  ... and [...]

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