News from the Northwoods!

News from the Northwoods


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'News from the Northwoods' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

About 'News from the Northwoods' Channel

This blog posts about aviation, automobiles, electronics, programming, politics and such other subjects as catch my inte...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Medium-length materials prevail on 'News from the Northwoods' that may be an effective tactic to grip their readers’ attention with a wider range of helpful content. There are also longer items making up more than a quarter of all articles, which can provide a deeper insight into their subjects. Moreover, there are a few short articles.



? Readability Level

'News from the Northwoods' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are articles of intermediate readability, which make up more than one third of all content on the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up more than a quarter of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately News from the Northwoods has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Saga of SS Contessa, from Rick Atkinson's "Army at Dawn"

[...] ship in Norfolk Virginia, steamed across the submarine invested Atlantic, and landed in North Africa.  To provide air support after landing, an airfield was located, near the sea and on a river [...]

How to stop a Blitzkrieg

[...] in his "Army at Dawn" gives examples.  He is telling the story of the US Army in North Africa.  The Americans had recognized the effectiveness of the German Panzer divisions and had [...]

Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF)

[...] and the  AUMF is useless.  Something like "All armed groups in the Middle East and North Africa who are not part of a UN recognized government, and, any UN recognized governments that [...]

What kinda tax breaks ?

[...] repasses them in the current lame duck session.  Fox is covering this. Question for you TV newsies.  What is in that $45 billion package?  More special favors for hedge funds and Wall St?  Let's [...]

Strange, I never heard of the Eric Garner Chokehold case

[...] Garner and choking him to death is horrible.  I'm surprised it didn't get more airplay. If the TV newsies were doing their jobs, they would tell us who is organizing the demos, perhaps interview [...]

Torture Report runs interference for Cromnibus?

[...] TV newsies have been totally consumed by the "Torture Report".  The report itself is 6000 pages [...]

Measles, vaccination against

[...] epidemic starting at Disney land.  Lot of alarmist talk, including from Obama.  Lots of TV newsies talking about it. They didn't have those vaccines when I was a kid.  All kids had a case [...]

Cannon Mt Ski Weather

We got two, maybe three inches of new snow yesterday and last night.  It's below freezing (just barely) right now.  What with the seven inches we go [...]

Cannon Mt Ski Weather

We got 3.5 inches of  fresh powder last night.  It's 2 below zero this morning, and colder is promised for tomorrow. [...]

Cannon Mt Ski weather

It snowed all day Tuesday, and we have 9 inches of fresh powder this morning.  No wind, so the snow is still on the trails rather than in the woods. [...]

Cannon Mt Ski Weather. 8 Below this morning

Mountain is is fine shape.  We got a sprinkling of new snow yesterday.  Sun is out this morning, and it's COLD.  Snow is forecast for the weekend. [...]

Cannon Mountain Ski Weather

Nothing happened yesterday until noon, when it started to snow, lightly.  Nothing worth mentioning until the sun went down.  By this morning I had 7 [...]

Cannon Mountain Ski Weather

We got maybe two inches of fresh snow last night.  Temperature this morning is just below freezing.  [...]

Cannon Mountain Ski Weather

After a steady all day yesterday hype on TV, the snow did start to fall up here just about 7 AM this morning.  No snow fell overnight.  It's cold, 1 [...]

Cannon Mountain Ski Weather

It's snowing right now.  We have maybe 2-3 inches down and it's still falling.  What with the 9 inches we got on Tuesday, the mountain will be in gr [...]

Grilling Gruber

[...] Issa's committee has Gruber up on TV and they are doing him medium rare.  Gruber made the TV news for a number of speeches in which he called the American voters "dumb" or " [...]

Strange, I never heard of any of 'em before today

[...] TV news is full of the Allan Gross story.  The Cubans released Gross from a Cuban jail and allowed him to [...]

Strange, I never heard of the Eric Garner Chokehold case

[...] that is.  When some unnamed group[s] ran off some demos on Manhattan.  The demos made the TV news.  The video of four or five cops piling onto Garner and choking him to death is horrible.  I'm [...]

480 Page Executive Summary??

[...] CIA Torture Report is getting released today.  The executive summary (introduction for Congress critters) is 480 pages long!!!  The whole report is 6000 pages.  Who in their right mind can wade [...]

What kinda tax breaks ?

[...] for hedge funds and Wall St?  Let's have some details.  Otherwise we should be calling our Congress critters to urge them to vote no.  [...]

Grilling Gruber

[...] .  It was the Democrat Congress critters that Gruber was able to flim flam into sticking us with Obamacare.  The voters weren't dumb, [...]

?Key Phrases
Saga of SS Contessa, from Rick Atkinson's "Army at Dawn"

[...] ship in Norfolk Virginia, steamed across the submarine invested Atlantic, and landed in North Africa.  To provide air support after landing, an airfield was located, near the sea and on a river [...]

How to stop a Blitzkrieg

[...] in his "Army at Dawn" gives examples.  He is telling the story of the US Army in North Africa.  The Americans had recognized the effectiveness of the German Panzer divisions and had [...]

Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF)

[...] and the  AUMF is useless.  Something like "All armed groups in the Middle East and North Africa who are not part of a UN recognized government, and, any UN recognized governments that [...]

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