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NSNumber 1)INSNumber is subclass od NSValue 2)It is not primitive(like int,unsigned int,double,float etc..) 3)It store and retrieve primitive values....
ATOMIC 1)One thread access the variable(static) 2)It is a thread safe 3)Its performance is very slow 4) It is a not keyword its a accessor 5)Its is default...
Please follow below steps to avoid the error 1)Close the Xcode project 2)Quit the Xcode 3)Quit the simulator Now start to open Xcode and clean the project...
1)App Store A closer look at the App Store app in iOS 7 Add apps to a Wish List You can search your previously purchased apps by name Tap the screenshot...
If you want create a PDF file from web view and print the same , then - (void) webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)aWebView { [self createPDFfromUIView...
I’ve been trying to run shell script. I was getting below error -bash: ./ /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory Looks...
Suppose you have string value like @”glam india pvt ltd”, and you want to print the first letter of each word with capital letter , and your...
When you working on Hybrid application which is works on both the devices i.e iPhone and iPad if you want to check the device type (Ex – for setting...
If you want to check the URL is proper and its having host, then do the followings BOOL checkURL = [self validateUrl:@""]; if(checkURL...
SOAP-—> SOAP is a simple XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP.Or more simply: SOAP is a protocol for accessing...
Defination: +A category allows you to add methods to an existing class—even to one for which you do not have the source. +Its a powerful feature...
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[...] in one of our post Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in Read More... [...]
[...] in a MySQL database . Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to check table , as in our previous [...]
[...] table structure in MySQL. Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to Read More... [...]
[...] create a MySQL Database Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) Now we will be creating a Read More... [...]
[...] . Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to create table Read More... [...]
[...] . Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we Read More... [...]
[...] Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in Read More... [...]
[...] 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to check table , as in our previous post we Read More.. [...]
[...] MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to Read More... [...]
[...] MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to create table Read More... [...]
[...] MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we Read More... [...]
[...] MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in Read More... [...]
[...] set to UTF8 in mysql 5.5 using below steps 1. Check current character set mysql> show variables like “collation_database”; +——————–+&# [...]
[...] set mysql> show variables like “ [...] (0.00 sec) mysql> show variables like “%character%”; [...]
Let’s start inserting data in the table created in our post, table name was employee, we also discussed how to check the table structure in one of o [...]
[...] in our previous post we discussed how to add more columns in MySQL table , lets see how we can check table structure in MySQL. Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using [...]
Let’s start inserting data in the table created in our post, table name was employee, we also discussed how to check the table structure in one of o [...]
[...] in our previous post we discussed how to add more columns in MySQL table , lets see how we can check table structure in MySQL. Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using [...]
[...] in the table created in our post, table name was employee, we also discussed how to check the table structure in one of our post Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as [...]
[...] post we discussed how to add more columns in MySQL table , lets see how we can check table structure in MySQL. Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql - [...]
[...] in the table created in our post, table name was employee, we also discussed how to check the table structure in one of our post Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as [...]
[...] post we discussed how to add more columns in MySQL table , lets see how we can check table structure in MySQL. Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql - [...]
[...] Once MySQL Server setup is done , lets start by creating a database , in our example we will see how to create a [...]
[...] Once MySQL Server setup is done , lets start by creating a database , in our example we will see how to create a [...]
[...] in one of our post Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in Read More... [...]
[...] in a MySQL database . Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to check table , as in our previous [...]
[...] table structure in MySQL. Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) use database in which we need to Read More... [...]
[...] create a MySQL Database Step 1) Login to MySQL we will be using user : demo and password as demouser mysql -u demo -p demouser Step 2) Now we will be creating a Read More... [...]
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