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I've been trying to figure out how to put ListViews within a ListView for certain use-cases that warrant the UI to be able to swipe through multple screens...
One of the features that make Native Cascades stand out from Android ports, as well as from competitors like iOS is Active Frames. Active Frames are...
App development is a blend between the functional and aestethic. Developers are often striving to bring out a certain identity or feel from their app...
After recently getting an Arduino Yun from Newark Canada, I decided to put together a fun build video for IoT fans out there! This video will show you...
For most people, lists in mobile apps have gone hand in hand with the pull to refresh for a while now. Many of the biggest apps like Facebook, Twitter...
If you haven't been living under a rock you will have probably heard of BlackBerry's new social network feature called BBM Channels! It's a new fresh...
This tutorial focuses on adding localization and translations to your native Cascades app. Many of you already know that Blackberry has a...
The process of adding in-app purchases to a Cascades app has proven daunting for many of you out there, but today I will attempt to make life easier for...
Hey everyone! I'm glad to finally be doing my first Cascades tutorial. Maybe you've seen me on Twitter or on the BlackBerry Developer forums...
So, it's been a while since I have been able to get any code together for you guys, but now that MockIt! has launched officially, I should have time to...
Why am I covering Arduino Here? I have some exciting projects coming up that involve Arduino and BlackBerry and in order to make those happen, I need...
Unfortunately OSBB Index - @OSBB - The essential resource for BlackBerry developers - @... has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] (Yes, this is a screenshot of my Dev Alpha) This post is probably not of interest to anyone who doesn't have a Dev Alpha. To make things [...]
[...] If you, like me, are a developer who was lucky enough to get a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha but isn't in an area that has the Zed10 available for purchase yet, you can still enjoy all the [...]
[...] , but it looks like RIM has finally managed to get the update OS feature working for the Dev Alpha; if you've bricked (or lost the Camera from running a security wipe) you can now [...]
[...] The Dev Alpha just recieved an update to 10.0.1103; the functionality of everything seems to be the same, but [...]
[...] If you are a BlackBerry fan like myself, the one event we look forward to is BlackBerry Live. I had tried to attend Live last year but was unable to make it, however several of our team [...]
[...] So, I missed out on my chance to go to BlackBerry World (now rebranded BlackBerry Live) last year. Was supposed to go to BlackBerry Jam Americas in San Jose and missed out on that. [...]
[...] This morning (right now actually) I attended a Market Insights session at BlackBerry Live, and what I learned was at first surprising, although in retrospect I perhaps should have [...]
[...] ; align="aligncenter" width="540" caption="Crochet Buddy HD for the BlackBerry PlayBook"][/caption] Recently, my first ever attempt at app development (Crochet Buddy HD) [...]
[...] link was floating around on Twitter showing several popular iOS games playing on the BlackBerry PlayBook. Personally, I was a bit skeptical at first, but it seem fairly likely that this video [...]
I'm a big fan of the black matte look of the case. It keeps the back of the PlayBook consistent to its true nature. The backing makes the case a huge [...]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Space TV for PlayBook[/caption] With NASA's recent success with landing the Curiosity rover (Ma [...]
[...] Space TV + for the BlackBerry Z10 is an application designed to provide users with space related news, [...]
[...] Today, Space TV Plus 2.0 is live in Blackberry World and the free variant Space TV Free has also launched today! With many sections receiving a full redesign and lots of new [...]
[...] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Space TV for PlayBook[/caption] With NASA's recent success with landing the Curiosity rover (Mars [...]
[...] I submitted a new PlayBook app to App World earlier today, and I noticed that RIM made a small change in preperation for BlackBerry 10. This [...]
[...] to still meet with RIM. One other cool announcement is that there will be making strides to help App World to avoid becoming the App "cesspool" that Google Play has become. Part of that is a [...]
[...] version of BB10 is very crippled. It lacks many features that will be contained in BB10. App World doesn't work, nor does Docs To Go, and many other apps. To be honest, at this point there' [...]
[...] It's always good to see major developers planing to support BlackBerry 10. Today I was checking App World on my Dev Alpha and noticed that Nobex has a beta available for BB10. All in all, it looks [...]
[...] Disclaimer: remember that this is NOT a BB10 device, it is a developer alpha. The hardware and software are not what will be released officially by RIM later this year. I [...]
[...] Developer Site. And that's it! Your app is compiled, and ready to be sideloaded to your Developer Alpha (or run in a simulator) for testing! Mike said he might try to port the PlayBooks SDK, [...]
[...] week we mentioned that Wayne from the BlackBerry Beta Zone was going to get an update to the Developer Alpha pushed out. Well the update isn't out yet, but it looks like RIM has finally managed to get [...]
Filmed using a PlayBook by our good friend Corran, you can see how powerful the PaceMaker app truly is on the PlayBook. So put on your best head [...]
[...] developer on the BlackBerry 10 platform and has one of the most popular games available in BlackBerry World -- Words Plus. Jason is a native of Canada and he and his brother Quincy are the guys behind [...]
[...] So, I missed out on my chance to go to BlackBerry World (now rebranded BlackBerry Live) last year. Was supposed to go to BlackBerry Jam Americas in [...]
Space TV + for the BlackBerry Z10 is an application designed to provide users with space related news, photos, and video, wrapped in an intuitive and [...]
[...] 10 draws closer. So, in preparation for an upcoming OS update for the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha device that developers attending BB10 Jam received, RIM needs your feedback, because afterall, the [...]
[...] pretty cool! Not only does it let you see all the installed apps on your PlayBook or your Dev Alpha device, it also lets you uninstall or force close (terminate) them, or install additional .bar [...]
Good news Devolpers! Wayne over in the BlackBerry Beta Zone forums just let us know that an update for the BB10 Developer Alpha devices should be avai [...]
[...] few weeks I talk to someone who had some sort of catastrophic data loss regardng their app development - anywhere from losing a few hours of coding work (which sucks, but can be redone), to [...]
[...] App development is a blend between the functional and aestethic. Developers are often striving to bring out [...]
[...] Buddy HD for the BlackBerry PlayBook"][/caption] Recently, my first ever attempt at app development (Crochet Buddy HD) launched in App World for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Given my level of app [...]
[...] (Yes, this is a screenshot of my Dev Alpha) This post is probably not of interest to anyone who doesn't have a Dev Alpha. To make things [...]
[...] If you, like me, are a developer who was lucky enough to get a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha but isn't in an area that has the Zed10 available for purchase yet, you can still enjoy all the [...]
[...] , but it looks like RIM has finally managed to get the update OS feature working for the Dev Alpha; if you've bricked (or lost the Camera from running a security wipe) you can now [...]
[...] The Dev Alpha just recieved an update to 10.0.1103; the functionality of everything seems to be the same, but [...]
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