Occasions 'n Days
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Does your gown design and wedding location work with your veil of choice? Gown Design: – As a general rule, elaborate and heavily embellished gown requires...
After finding the gown, the next accessory in defining your overall look is your veil. This article gives you a brief guideline on how to pick the right...
Shopping for your wedding dress is probably the most exciting part of planning your wedding; however it can be the most stressful especially when you...
Arianne ‘s gown is a baby pink pure silk ball gown that has a ruched bodice with a silver waist band. Her dress is more than a dress it symbolizes her...
The holiday culture varies between countries: in Finland it’s practically a norm to take 4-5 weeks off during the summer; in other countries 1-2 weeks...
The common assumption of stressful week days and relaxing weekends is turned upside down when you take a look at the measured stress and recovery of people...
Heart rate variability researcher Tero Myllymäki and colleagues have published an article “Effects of exercise intensity and duration on nocturnal heart...
Firstbeat’s research partner, KIHU – Research Institute for Olympic Sports was declared a coaching category winner in European Athletics Innovation awards...
The prevailing World Champion, Spanish national football team has been using Firstbeat SPORTS software for more than 2 years for tracking the players...
Starting 1.1.2012, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) has acknowledged Firstbeat assessments as a reimbursable method in occupational...
Thanks Sarah for letting us do your wedding gown, you looked lovely.
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