Odilsezen Metin Dating
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Friends, I will get back to hemming and hawing about my own non-important drivel soon, but today I implore to you read about, and if you can, help Sienna...
And by "see-saw" I mean "the insanity of my inner-brain." I've always been a very analytical person. Most writers are. But in the past year I've become...
Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE A merry go round that ain’t always very merry. Round and round we go. Will we stop? We never know...
Well hello, hello blogosphereicals! I know. I know. Where the hell have I been? Thanks to all of you that wrote comments asking me to come back. The...
Hello, amazingly patient and understanding blog readers [if I do, in fact, still have any of you.] I'm Back. "oh sure, Lindsey. Sure you are. We're...
I just got the Blogger app on my iPhone so I'm taking her for a test drive! Hope you liked my Nicaragua post. It made me feel lazy and cranky now that...
That's right. As in Nicaragua. Last year, I was frustrated. I saw all my best friends taking these amazing yearly trips with their significant others...
Or at least it did on Tuesday. Funny, just when you think you've hit rock bottom, you fall through the creepy trap door and hit the concrete basement...
Well, everyone. I'm back. And, sadly, not with good news. Alas, my 6 month relationship has ended. Actually, it ended about 2 weeks ago and I haven...
Here I am. Lindsey. Yeah, I'm still alive AND my fingers can still type! But how rude of me-- how have all of YOU been? I apologize for my absence...
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[...] ? While waiting in the bathroom line, I ended up sampling a huge bday party table's food and a cute guy passed me a note in the resto: He looked super cute but when he passed by our table to say hi [...]
[...] no reason/Jewish guilt. First off, I've recently been out n' aboot all over the place and every cute guy I meet is just getting YOUNGER AND YOUNGER. Seriously- last night? Twenty-freakin-two! Not to [...]
[...] " [who is imaginary] in the case of that night. Anyway, once I walked in I noticed a really cute guy waiting for the bathroom and, suddenly, I had to pee! I chatted him up in line and he was very [...]
[...] -looking guys! And, so few chicks! Hello, had I just entered thes the Motherland?! Meanwhile, cute guy from the previous bar wasn’t really paying too much attention to me, however he did give me the [...]
[...] you that way. This needs to go somewhere or else I'm going away." Sexy Sue put the kabosh on that one! And, she was right to. No guy wants an ultimatum (before he really [...]
[...] still in my neighborhood and already very wet from my outdoor dance party, so why not? I dragged Sexy Sue and the dude-barnacle that had attached himself to her and off we went. We then walked in to [...]
[...] of his HOTTER, older brother. THANKS! Older bro, who we’ll now refer to as Hurricane Boy, was confident, flirty and, did I mention HOT? Plus, someone (I do not know [...]
[...] of time. BullS#%T, right?? I know. And now, I'm in the Land o' Port (Portland) on a biz trip. But I'm hoping to have one long-ass boring day of sitting around a set all day, in which [...]
[...] together, but not in "real" terms. Until he finally did. He was texting me from a biz trip in LA and said he wanted to get together upon his return. He said he could do Friday or Monday. [...]
[...] nice guy, btw. Exactly as you'd expect him to be. That was pretty much the highlight of my biz trip, and as it was wrapping up, I actually started to get a bit nervous about seeing Van. I mean, it [...]
[...] to see more. Lo and behold, what did I find there??? "SoCal is in a relationship with FakeBoobs McCougar!" [Do you like my name for her? I do!] um...secondly, WHAT! a) He has a GF? b) FB [...]
[...] much build up around having a stupid GF? But I really couldn't wait to hear more about FakeBoobs McCougar, if he was actually going to go there. So, I filled the time until our drinks came [which, [...]
[...] to sit next to him. He is only in town visiting for awhile, but between the green eyes, adorable Irish brogue, and fabulously muscle-y arms, I was not putting up any kind of fight. In fact, after [...]
[...] "HeyTell" messages on my iPhone, which is awesome because I get to hear his adorable Irish brogue on the regs. Last night I got one that started with "Where's me gal?" Ahh. [...]
[...] the last of 6'4, but he was no longer on my mind and, as you've already read, I had an awesome weekend in Fire Island to further take the edge off of possibly being stood up. Monday, I was [...]
[...] getting any, became a rabid social media stalker. [Oy.] So I happened to come across some pics SoCal posted on FB and I went to his page to see more. Lo and behold, what did I find there??? [...]
[...] wandered to another side of the expansive bar where I began talking to a very VERY tall and good-looking guy who happens to be a Canadian import. I have no idea how long we spoke since my number of [...]
[...] ? While waiting in the bathroom line, I ended up sampling a huge bday party table's food and a cute guy passed me a note in the resto: He looked super cute but when he passed by our table to say hi [...]
[...] no reason/Jewish guilt. First off, I've recently been out n' aboot all over the place and every cute guy I meet is just getting YOUNGER AND YOUNGER. Seriously- last night? Twenty-freakin-two! Not to [...]
[...] " [who is imaginary] in the case of that night. Anyway, once I walked in I noticed a really cute guy waiting for the bathroom and, suddenly, I had to pee! I chatted him up in line and he was very [...]
[...] -looking guys! And, so few chicks! Hello, had I just entered thes the Motherland?! Meanwhile, cute guy from the previous bar wasn’t really paying too much attention to me, however he did give me the [...]
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