Online Review of Rhode Island History


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Online Review of Rhode Island History' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Online Review of Rhode Island History' Channel

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? Updates History Monthly Yearly
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? Average Article Length

'Online Review of Rhode Island History' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Online Review of Rhode Island History' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Online Review of Rhode Island History' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



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But you may check out related channels listed below.

Top Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island’s History

[...] The following are my top ten turning points in the history of Rhode Island.  You may differ with some of my choices, but that is part of the fun. Founding of Rhode [...]

Father of “12 Years a Slave” Protagonist Hailed from North Kingstown

[...] Rhode Island has many claims to fame.  It is unusual, however, to discover a new one.  With “12 Years a [...]

Providence’s Merchants Influence the State to Ratify the U.S. Constitution in 17...

[...] After the Peace of Paris was signed in 1783, bringing a formal end to the War of Independence, Rhode Island merchants, a class that compromised the bulk of the Revolutionary leaders, lost their access [...]

The Providence Macaroni Riots of 1914

[...] oil, macaroni, spaghetti and meats have advanced materially by reason of pressure outside of Rhode Island, but it is noticeable that such advances are so varying in amounts that Rhode Island dealers [...]

The Experience of New London Tories and Quakers

[...] and brothers being jailed and even hanged. Beebe was no doubt aware that the Connecticut General Assembly had on its books a law punishing with death any Connecticut resident who knowingly aided or [...]

Top Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island’s History

[...] white adult male voters was high for the times, and Rhode Islanders voted for governor and General Assembly delegates twice a year.  Rhode Island was one of only two of the original thirteen colonies [...]

Providence’s Merchants Influence the State to Ratify the U.S. Constitution in 17...

[...] payments on the state debt (totaling roughly £94,000) stood at £11,000. That same year, the General Assembly imposed a tax equal to the interest in order to pay down its debt. This tax was passed in [...]

Father of “12 Years a Slave” Protagonist Hailed from North Kingstown

[...] on common pleas starting in 1749 and its chief in 1767, and a North Kingstown deputy to the General Assembly in 1740.  He also served in the King’s County militia, rising to become colonel of a [...]

The People’s Martyr

[...] known as the Dorr Rebellion of 1842, is one of the great chapters and turning points in Rhode Island history.  Many fine works of history have combed through the newspaper and pamphlet literature of [...]

Top Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island’s History

[...] ’s top ten turning points, see William G. McGloughlin, “Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island History,” and J. Stanley Lemons, “Rhode Island’s Ten Turning Points:  A Second Appraisal, [...]

Father of “12 Years a Slave” Protagonist Hailed from North Kingstown

[...] , Christian, “The South Kingstown Planters: Country Gentry in Colonial Rhode Island,” Rhode Island History, vol. 45. no. 3 (August 1986), 82-93. [4]  Unless otherwise stated, information on the [...]

Providence’s Merchants Influence the State to Ratify the U.S. Constitution in 17...

[...] of the ratification debate in Rhode Island. See also Conley’s invaluable, An Album of Rhode Island History, 1636-1986 (1986). Recently, Conley served as consulting editor on the three volumes [...]

Arnold Buffam and Elizabeth Buffam Chace

Arnold Buffum, one of Rhode Island’s leading abolitionists, was the second son among the eight children of William Buffum and Lydia Arnold.  He was [...]

Top Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island’s History

The following are my top ten turning points in the history of Rhode Island.  You may differ with some of my choices, but that is part of the fun. Fo [...]

Father of “12 Years a Slave” Protagonist Hailed from North Kingstown

Rhode Island has many claims to fame.  It is unusual, however, to discover a new one.  With “12 Years a Slave” winning the 2013 Academy Award fo [...]

“Strange Mismanagement”: The Capture of the HMS Syren

[...] , the militia turned to rescuing what equipment they could from the Syren. Enterprising Rhode Islanders knocked over the mast of the Syren and made it a narrow bridge on which to carry out the [...]

Top Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island’s History

[...] in the world.  Its percentage of white adult male voters was high for the times, and Rhode Islanders voted for governor and General Assembly delegates twice a year.  Rhode Island was one of only [...]

Providence’s Merchants Influence the State to Ratify the U.S. Constitution in 17...

[...] British revenue schooner Gaspee. The destruction of the Gaspee was a loud demonstration from Rhode Islanders that they were not going to consent to what they deemed to be unconstitutional taxation [...]

“Strange Mismanagement”: The Capture of the HMS Syren

[...] National Archives, ADM 1/5309, p. 410. The post “Strange Mismanagement”: The Capture of the HMS Syren appeared first on Small State Big HIstory. [...]

?Key Phrases
Top Ten Turning Points in Rhode Island’s History

[...] The following are my top ten turning points in the history of Rhode Island.  You may differ with some of my choices, but that is part of the fun. Founding of Rhode [...]

Father of “12 Years a Slave” Protagonist Hailed from North Kingstown

[...] Rhode Island has many claims to fame.  It is unusual, however, to discover a new one.  With “12 Years a [...]

Providence’s Merchants Influence the State to Ratify the U.S. Constitution in 17...

[...] After the Peace of Paris was signed in 1783, bringing a formal end to the War of Independence, Rhode Island merchants, a class that compromised the bulk of the Revolutionary leaders, lost their access [...]

The Providence Macaroni Riots of 1914

[...] oil, macaroni, spaghetti and meats have advanced materially by reason of pressure outside of Rhode Island, but it is noticeable that such advances are so varying in amounts that Rhode Island dealers [...]

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