Ordinary Nothing
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It’s sometimes surprising just how narrow the focus of some people can be, when they compare themselves, or a group they identify with, to people...
The head of the cleaning company in my office brought in a new worker with him today. While she was cleaning the floor, and emptying the garbage bins...
Everyone wants to feel good about themselves, and marketers want people to feel good about their products. So it’s understandable that people will...
It’s very easy to be the second-largest anything in the world, when the first largest group is defined as everything that’s actually relevant...
Weird Tales are offering a free PDF copy of their July-August 2008 edition, as a promotion and a way for people to properly sample the magazine without...
The police, both here and in many (most? all?) other countries in the world, provide a short “emergency” phone number. The idea being that...
Last night I saw two cases of cars stuck by the side of the road, and in both cases the drivers behaved very oddly. Well, the second behaved oddly, the...
It’s pretty much a nonsense post, but I found it amusing, so why not bother the rest of humanity with it, right? Last night I passed by the gas...
Surveys are complex. There is a lot that you can do wrong. Actually, looking at many surveys around, there is a lot that is done wrong. Time after time...
Some ad companies think they can get better results by targeting the ads to the viewers. Some strategies are matching the ad with the viewed page, while...
After neglecting this blog for too long, I now updated the software (WordPress) to a new version, updated the several plugins it uses, and am also planning...
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In my favorite poem by Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay, he reminds us that like the seasons of nature, life is one s...