Padworth College
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Over 50 students took part in this term’s Cross Country Run on what turned out to be a beautiful and sunny afternoon. After torrential rain this morning...
Year 12 Biology students from Padworth were invited to Reading University to attend a Microscopy Masterclass. This was an exciting opportunity for the...
Remembrance Day was marked at Padworth College with a short and thought provoking ceremony led by Principal, John Aguilar. A minute’s silence was observed...
Students enjoyed the festive Halloween Party on Friday night – the Common Room was transformed into a witch’s lair and our talented team of facepainters...
Congratulations to our Year 13 Chemistry Student, Matthew, who was delighted to receive the Award for Best Sixth Form Chemist 2014 at a ceremony held...
Padworth students studying English literature and language GCSE and A level went to see Journey’s End by R. C. Sheriff at the Watermill Theatre which...
On Friday 26th September 2014, Padworth students held their own Macmillan Coffee Morning. Cakes were baked by students and staff and enjoyed by everyone...
Staff and students set off for PGL Liddington, a residential adventure centre in Wiltshire on Friday for an action-packed weekend for every student in...
To welcome all our students, new and old, the College hosted a BBQ on Friday evening – great fun was had on the bouncy castle and bucking bronco and later...
In his beginning of term newsletter, John Aguilar, Principal welcomes new and returning students and staff as well as giving an update on what’s been...
Carol Donner, Biology teacher at Padworth, met the scientist and broadcaster Professor Brian Cox at a gathering of science professionals in London. As...
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